
Where do You get your NEWS, or has Twitter really became a Newspaper?

In a lot of ways, this entry dates back to a prediction article by PC Mag.com's  Tim Bajarin in July of 2004. In the article the author stated

“…as I watched tweeted news alerts and tweets from friends, telling me that Osama bin Laden had been killed, I began to realize that there is another medium emerging that, in some ways, could evolve into the newspaper of the future.”

On Nov 4th CNET ran an article showcasing information from Pew research Study group, which  say 16% of Adults use Twitter, 8% get news from it and most of the users tend to be “Young, Educated and Wealthy”.

It should be pointed out that the sample for the survey was listed as “More than 5,000 US Adults” in the CNET article, which means the sample field is very small, but it leads to this question for you readers

Where do you get your daily news, TV, Websites, Newspapers or Social Media? Please leave your comments below

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