
Tools for a More Productive Designer

Like all well organised and prepared professionals,  sometimes we Web Design Experts have to refer to manuals in order to deploy an perfectly encoded website.  This may seem like an easy task to accomplish, but in fact, many times it means shifting windows around on screen or worse yet a desktop full of books and printouts to work around.

Then there is the additional loss of valuable time to researching this information instead of being able to focus on writing code.

So what is the solution for a Web Designer actually? Well, at least for myself it involves the use of a tablet and a reference Site like caniuse.com

Caniuse.com, much like the name would imply,  is a reference tool that breaks down the code by section and browser's support to help designers quickly reference quality information about the code to best use for cross platform browsing support,  and when displayed on a quickly accessible "P.A.D.D" (Star Trek fans will get the reference ) can allow for fast verification of how code is written and deployed. And should be in the Online tool kit of any Web Design Expert.

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