
Bitcoin, what is it Anyway?

First, lets address just what Bitcoin is.  Wikipedia defines Bitcoin as being a distributed, peer to peer digital currency that functions without the intermediation of any central authority and was originally created by a developer going under the online name of " Satoshi Nakamoto" in 2008

Bitcoin has been linked to services like online sales of illegal drugs, including Website Silk Road, which was shut down bu the FBI in 2013, but it does have many legal applications, being accepted some online venders such as Wordpress and Reddit.

So how does one go about getting into trading and spending Bitcoin?  The answer is to "mine" them or to outright buy them, an article on Techcrunch actually says that the currency was valued at $188 USD to every 1 Bitcoin.

The main concern that is appearing is that since  there is currently no official governing body overseeing, governments world wide are rushing to catch up with this new online currency as there are around 12 Million coins in circulation (based off the number from Tech Crunch's article that amounts to a currency with a world wide value currently valued around $2,256,000,000.00 USD). Without question, a currency to keep an eye on.

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