
Coin Card: First Thought to come to mind is “Don’t Put All Your [Digital] Eggs in One Basket”

So, last week the announcement was made that a new Digital “One” Card called Coin is going to be released on the market.  The promise of the Coin card is that a user can program in their Debit, Credit and Loyalty / Club Cards into this one piece of plastic and ,through the use of a small on screen display /button system, be able to pull up just the card they need without having to carry a full wallet of different cards where ever they go.

While the concept, which will cost customers $100 per card to get in on using, may sound useful and very interesting at first, I actually had instant flashbacks to a piece of device given to me when I was growing up, one I’m sure many of you also have heard (Say it along with me)


Even though the card is promised to be secured with 128-bit Encryption, the idea of a “One Card to Rule them All” card, much like this  (Image is a replica of the Plaz Card from William Shatner’s TekWar TV Series)

Actually worries me because, it is well known that Hacker’s are getter better and faster with their ability to break encryption in the modern age, now ask yourself, how safe do you feel your personal data is with something like this?

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