
Ticket issues to Woman who was Driving with Google Glass on, The Debate Starts

An article posted by the  The Huffington Post and may other sites on October 30th has reported that California Driver Cecilia Abadie was pulled over in San Diego on a Speeding offence, and actually left with two citations, the second being for Driving with a monitor visible to the driver, and in brackets the Officer cited Goggle Glass specifically.

The driver took to Google Plus later with the following comment: (spelling errors not corrected from the original posting)

A cop just stopped me and gave me a ticket for wearing Google Glass while driving! The exact line says: Driving with Monitor visible to Driver (Google Glass). Is #GoogleGlass ilegal [sic] while driving or is this cop wrong???

While the debate as to if Driving with Google Glass is volleyed like a Tennis Ball at the US Open, the Driver’s comment brings up a very interesting question to consider.

Here, in Canada, we have many Provinces that have instilled laws making the use of Technology, like Mobile Phones, illegal while behind the wheel of a Motor Vehicle, as displayed in the image below of the Ban in British Columbia

(Full Document available here)

Further more, in the same document (again this is based on the laws here in British Columbia), when it comes to Television Screens (Monitors) it is stated that

A person may not have a television image displayed within view of 
that driver unless the image displays pictures, information or data 
solely designed to assist the driver in the safe operation of the 
vehicle or the safety and security of its load or its passengers. 

The device must be installed so that it is securely fixed to the motor 
vehicle and in a manner that does not obstruct the driver’s view of 
the front or sides of the motor vehicle or interfere with the safety or 
operating equipment of the motor vehicle.

The Fine for violation of said Law is $167 and up to 3 Penalty Points on ones license.  What is your opinion on the topic, Should Google Glass be treated like a Mobile Device and fall under the ban, Technically it is a hands free Device, but also Technically it is a mobile communications device, Leave your comments below

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