
HTML and CSS Coding is a great way to create custom forms for Business

When it comes to being a Web Designer, and your own Boss, you very quickly realize just how many forms a Business comes to rely on.  With Inertial Zen Designs, we started out with some basics, which included

-Pre-Design Questionnaires
-Design Contracts
-Schedule of Fees

but it was not too long into the life of the Company that it was realized that we also needed forms to cover things like

-Extensions of Content Deadlines
-Acceptance of Final Design

Now, the normal course of action would be to have these type of documents done up with a print house, however through the use of HTML and CSS, and some creative printing options (like saving your Webpages as PDF files, stripping out the code that would be seen on screen with a unique print.css file) Inertial Zen Designs was able to actually create a set of documents that can both be displayed as part of Your Company's Website, and printable as a PDF form, so that clients can arrive with the proper paperwork for meetings with your Company available to them.

So when your Company contacts Inertial Zen Designs about the possibility of Our coding your Company's website, please do not hesitate to ask us about the options to create PDF's of any forms your Company will be displaying on your Website and how We can create a Site Map which will allow your Clients and Customers to either download the documents off of each specific page or from a single page of linked PDF Documents.

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