
Differences between Google and Bing SEO

Search Engine Optimization is a topic that many consider the domain of Google. Whenever it the topic is brought up the question is asked "How do I make sure my Site reaches the top of Google Search?". One of the first things that is not taken into account is the almost 30% of the internet that does not use Google Search, opting instead for Microsoft's Bing Search Engine.

There are some details in the ways that Google and Bing rank pages, which can effect just how your Website ranks, they include but are not limited to

  • Back links
    • Google factors into their algorithm the number of other Pages that link to a specific Webpage, Comparison studies appear to show that Bing does not factor this detail in
  • Flash Content
    • Bing's algorithm appears to actually benefit this dying content element and seems to rank Flash content better than Google's algorithm does
  • Anchor Text
    • Anchor text, is the content found between the <a> and </a> elements of HTML code, Signs show that Bing tends to focus on the information here when ranking a Page

Keeping details like these in mind, a Web Designer should be able to actually build a Webpage that is optimized for both Google and Bing's Search Engines.

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