
Embedded video, a blessing and a curse

In the modern Web Design the idea of adding embedded video to your Website can appear to be a detail that will set your Site apart from those of your competitors.

This actually is not a fallacy,embedded video in a Website can, in fact, produce this very result.  In the process allowing your Company to effectively get across your intended point.

Embedding video also happens to come with some aspects to take into account

* File format
While almost all of the modern formats are supported by most browser, there are formats that do not. Flash, for example does not play in iOS, Microsoft have tried their own encoding formats- WMV and Silverlight, not many users tend to use Real Network's format

* Hosting Online
The file format issue can be accounted for by uploading your video into a Online video service, but there is the questions of which one to use, and what is your company's "Plan B" should anything bring down the servers of the provider you select

*Auto start of content playback
Modern users are known to have multiple tabs open in a browser session, and it has been addressed ,by many articles on different Websites, that one of the fastest ways to drive users away from using a website is through automatically playing content.

So with all this,should you decide to host the video on your own server or embed it via a service like Youtube or daily motion, what is the best settings for your video content?  The simple answer is to have your Web Designer format based off something like the recommended format guidelines from Youtube. located at
Youtube Embedding Support Page

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