
Are you prepared in event of a server issue?

reciently, my website, inertialzendesigns.com , found itself offline. The problem turned out to be server side as my hosting server changed the way they handled files.

This outage, I'm sure, cost me some very valuable hours of potential ability to attract new clients, as in a Web Designer's business, having a Website is rather important.

The outage, thankfully, was minimal due to the fact I had already been considering some other servers and the fact that I had a back up of the site available to me. It did, however realize a few very valuable lessions out of this

1. Never EVER bundle your server and your domain regestry. If both had been with one service, the issues with the server potentially could be a major disaster.

2. ALWAYS have a backup copy of all files available. Access to backup files can have your Website back up and fully running in under a half hour, without the panic of having to get a new Site built

3. CHECK your Website throughout the the day, everyday, make sure it loads and is still accessible on platforms that normally access it

4. HAVE an action plan in place to address any customer's that report back to you that your site is down should they be reaching your Website via a path like Twitter or Facebook.

If you remember the word EACH you should have a well maintained Website following the design phase, and to anyone who might have tried to access My site while it was down, please accept my appology and thank you for understanding


Why one company requiring knowledge of another's systems makes sense

A few days ago, one of my friends on Facebook shared the status of a page titled "WTF Facts". That status read

"You need to know how to use Windows in order to get a job with Apple."

At first this may seems like a rather unusual requirement for getting a job at Apple until one stops and thinks about it.  Apple offers the following programs for install directly into the Windows Operating system

  • Quicktime
  • Itunes
  • Safari for Windows (although this may have been discontinued)
  • iCloud control panel

Add to that, Apple's iWork Suite has inter compatibility  with Microsoft's Office files, allowing users to open up Word, Excel and Powerpoint files either in the desktop or iCloud versions of Pages, Numbers and Keynote

This actually goes the other way for Microsoft, as they have either programmed, or currently program for Apple systems these following apps

  • Microsoft Office for Mac
  • Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Drivers
  • Microsoft Windows Phone Software 
  • Microsoft Silverlight (Slowly being phased out by companies switching to HTML 5)

As in the case of the Blog post that covers why Web Designers access so much hardware, good Developers in all fields need to be able to work with multiple platforms and technologies.


Just Why do Web Designers Access so much Hardware?

The other day the following Meme crossed my viewing on a article linked from Google Plus.

It got me thinking of just how often, as a Web Designer, we are asked about why we have so much computer hardware when we can code in pretty much any text editor and Web Sites can be viewed in pretty much any browser.

The fact is, this is one of those "Answer is in the question" style questions. You see, as seen in the table below, different platforms each can run different browsers, they also have their own unique hardware setups and not every user runs things like JavaScript or Flash.  This leads to a bit of fun for a Designer, as we need to be able to produce code that potentially could be accessed by any of these situations.  

The solution to producing code that plays nice with everything can be handled in a few ways, one option would be to constantly have to install or delete plugins, and have machines that can boot into multiple Operating systems in order to test the design with minimal hardware.  

The other option would be to keep Multiple configurations of machines accessible with different operating system, hardware and plug in configurations so that the Website that still needs to be able to access something like a Windows XP running Internet Explorer 6 configuration (don't laugh there are offices that to this day still run this configuration, usually due to needing to access legacy programs in their work environment ), can be tested for compatibility and re-coded with redundant code that only is picked up by this configuration.

So why do us Web Designers have so much Computer Hardware? The Answer is because Our Programming language has a robust collection of platforms to deliver Our work to you the consumer


Keep track of your Email accounts and their linked services--The Forgotten Security Step

As users, we are told all the time the following advice

"Use strong passwords, get a Password manager that will generate longer passwords with numbers, letters and and characters in order to make our accounts safer"

Sound advice, but when it comes to online security, is it possible we, as users, forget a very important detail,

"Keep track of what email you have attached to your online accounts"

We live in a day of multiple email addresses, some of us have accounts for School or work, some are throw away emails like Google, MSN or Yahoo addresses. Spammers and Hackers, who are looking to try to phish for information by sending you inbox "alerts" from services like Facebook or Linked In.

By keeping tabs on the services you have linked to log in from different email accounts, you can tell quickly which of messages maybe actual alerts from your services and which are in fact attempts to grab your information, or redirect you to any sort of questionable website online.

Messages are in fact being designed to look much more realistic, in many ways copying the look of how a message from one of your actual services looks. Logos are able to be found through any basic search engine, with a small bit of coding knowledge, a spoofing email can be created. 

Longer passwords are a great tool in keeping your accounts safe, Keeping track of which Accounts you have linked to which emails can be something done with a simple spreadsheet or text document, and can help keep you safe from Phishing attempts


Embedded video, a blessing and a curse

In the modern Web Design the idea of adding embedded video to your Website can appear to be a detail that will set your Site apart from those of your competitors.

This actually is not a fallacy,embedded video in a Website can, in fact, produce this very result.  In the process allowing your Company to effectively get across your intended point.

Embedding video also happens to come with some aspects to take into account

* File format
While almost all of the modern formats are supported by most browser, there are formats that do not. Flash, for example does not play in iOS, Microsoft have tried their own encoding formats- WMV and Silverlight, not many users tend to use Real Network's format

* Hosting Online
The file format issue can be accounted for by uploading your video into a Online video service, but there is the questions of which one to use, and what is your company's "Plan B" should anything bring down the servers of the provider you select

*Auto start of content playback
Modern users are known to have multiple tabs open in a browser session, and it has been addressed ,by many articles on different Websites, that one of the fastest ways to drive users away from using a website is through automatically playing content.

So with all this,should you decide to host the video on your own server or embed it via a service like Youtube or daily motion, what is the best settings for your video content?  The simple answer is to have your Web Designer format based off something like the recommended format guidelines from Youtube. located at
Youtube Embedding Support Page


A post about Mobile Security

With the release of the new Apple iPhone 5c and  iPhone 5s models as well as a new operating system, there has been a lot of discussion in the Tech world over security features this past week.  The big feature on everyone's mind has been Apple including a new concept of Biometric Sensor Technology to allow for securing the iPhone 5s via finger print scanning.

A video, showcasing the Chaos Computer Club, from Germany, surfaced online over the weekend showing "proof" that the sensor had been hacked and access gained to the device.  This video, just over a minute in length, actually caused debates as to what defines a device being "hacked" and if this was more the technology being bypassed by a spoof of the user's finger print.

Lets take a look at a few things that Apple have said about this Technology before we go any further.
(details taken from Apples Support Document found at http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5949?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US)

Touch ID is designed to minimize the input of your passcode; but your passcode will be needed for additional security validation, such as:

  • After restarting your iPhone 5s
  • When more than 48 hours have elapsed from the last time you unlocked your iPhone 5s
  • To enter the Passcode & Fingerprint setting

Later in the same document, Apple goes on to state that

 After five failed attempts, you'll be given the option of entering your Apple ID password. In addition, you will need to enter your Apple ID password after:

  • Restarting your iPhone 5s
  • Enrolling or deleting fingers

What this means for the user, is that someone who has procured your iPhone 5s device would have to have a clean enough copy of your print to be able to spoof the sensor and failing that needs to know your Apple ID and Password in order to access any data or wipe the Phone for resale purposes.

In other words, Your Fingerprint is only one part of a multi part authentication process, and if you as the end user, remember to practice using strong passwords and safe device protocols, your device , and it's data, can be considered strongly secured.  What does strong passwords and safe device protocols constitute, some points to alway remember

A Modern Passcode should be no less then 8 characters, and 16 or more is better.

A Passcode should not be formatted based off dates, or full words example

Bad Password: James

Good Password:V1sta_Sunr1s3G849z2 

(as you can see this password includes Capital Letters, subs numbers in for letters, includes a string that can not be pulled from a dictionary, has a underscore and is 18 characters long)

Apple users, should also make sure to active the feature that wipes their phone after a series of failed attempts to log in and make sure that they know about Apple's "Find My iPhone" feature, which allows them to log into any Internet enabled computer, via iCloud.com, pinpoint the location of their device, and even wipe the data remotely if the device is transmitting to be picked up

Lets be honest here, there is no such thing as a 100% secure option when it comes to security, the best that anyone can do is have a formulated game plan in place to protect their device should it be separated from them.


Taking ideas from…. or why we have to stop the whole "They stole that from them" Cyber mentality

So this week we happened to have the release of Apple's latest release of their smartphone operating system iOS 7, and wouldn't you know it, not less than 24 hours after the release people were taking to social media touting all that "Apple stole from Android".

As our Smartphones face demands from us users for them to Do More for us, that means things have to be rewritten. in some cases the idea, much like in the day and age of Windows and Mac's early days, can come from something that has been coded into a competition's software. 

Many modern users may not remember the days of things like Dos Prompt and  Command lines, or how things progressed in Graphical user interfaces, how interfaces like the early Apple GUI lead to Microsoft's Windows 95 interface being met with Apple poking fun and saying  "Windows 95, Been There, Done that, 10 years earlier"

Many of the swipe up type gestures in iOS 7 actually I find tend to remind me of BlackBerry's BB10 and QNX interfaces, some have even compared it to Palm / hp's Web OS (screen shot below)

Palm / HM WebOS on a Tablet

Fact is as we, the users of Technology, put more demands on what we want our Technology to do for us, We're going to see a lot more commonality in the ways the Operating systems are coded and how the programming interface works to meet those needs. So with that in mind, maybe…just maybe it's time we actually forgot about the whole "But Mine Does it Better" and "Yeah But They Stole that from Us" battles and just be thankful that our Technology ACTUALLY WORKS!


Is a Mobile App really the way for your Business to go ?

The modern smart phone  offers customers screens no smaller than 4 inches in size, Every model has either Near or Full Featured Web Browsers, that the end user can use to access information and between HTML 5 and CSS 3 Standards that can format a Website to the respective Smart Phone / Tablet /  Laptop  / Desktop Screen there is a question that has to be honestly asked

Does every Business Really need it's own Dedicated App?

Sure there are some cases where having an App can be a very important details, for example, if your App is designed to allow the User to take an Photo of an Items (which requires the App to have access to the Camera's controls), and matches it in your database of products to see if said item is available at your retail space for cheaper than the User has found it in their current location, But for the general, small Business, there are other factors to take into account when making the decision.  Factors like

  • Do you Have access to a Designer and Programmer who can code in languages like Java, Objective C and C++ 
  • Do you have the time to code native running Apps for each of the Major Platforms, IE: iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Blackberry ?
  • How large of a Database does your app have to access through either being loaded directly into the App or pulling down data from Online?
  • As a Business, can you afford to give away the App in order to not risk alienation of potential clients by selling them an App in order to access information ?
  • Do Users want to be bothered to access an App Store and track down your App in order to access your content, or will they just type your Company into a web browser search engine and find your site that way?
  • What information from your Web Presence might be lost in a Native App as opposed to a link to the Web Site?
  • Will your customer take the time to download and install an App in order to check one detail if they have removed the app due to space limitation or do not already have the App installed?

While there are specific styles of content that loan themselves better to the Native App Environment (an example would be Games) the choice between Native App or Web Presence is one that should only be made with much consideration of the questions listed above.  


Differences between Google and Bing SEO

Search Engine Optimization is a topic that many consider the domain of Google. Whenever it the topic is brought up the question is asked "How do I make sure my Site reaches the top of Google Search?". One of the first things that is not taken into account is the almost 30% of the internet that does not use Google Search, opting instead for Microsoft's Bing Search Engine.

There are some details in the ways that Google and Bing rank pages, which can effect just how your Website ranks, they include but are not limited to

  • Back links
    • Google factors into their algorithm the number of other Pages that link to a specific Webpage, Comparison studies appear to show that Bing does not factor this detail in
  • Flash Content
    • Bing's algorithm appears to actually benefit this dying content element and seems to rank Flash content better than Google's algorithm does
  • Anchor Text
    • Anchor text, is the content found between the <a> and </a> elements of HTML code, Signs show that Bing tends to focus on the information here when ranking a Page

Keeping details like these in mind, a Web Designer should be able to actually build a Webpage that is optimized for both Google and Bing's Search Engines.


The Benefits of owning variations of your Website's Domain Name

While looking around the usual collection of Technology News Websites the other day, an article on the Windows Phone Central website caught my attention.  the title of the article was

Microsoft snaps up Xbone.com, giving into the Xbox One nickname it despises

To sum up the article, it basically covered Microsoft's purchase of the Domain name xbone.com in their collection of Domain names that presumably will link to Microsoft's xbox.com website when users type in the Domain name looking for the Xbox One's Website.

This practice, actually can be a very wise move for a Business. In this modern age, when more and more Businesses have an online presence, it's quite possible to run into situations where your website's Domain name could see you competition create a Site much like your own. It also allows you to help prevent the risk of your potential clients typing in the wrong extension and landing on a site that infects their computer with malware.

The best part of this, is that the cost to register additional Domain names (Ie, having Domain-name.com, .ca, .net etc.) is a very little per year cost- with many Domain Registration sites charge under $10 a year to register a Domain name, and each of the sites you register outside of your main site really only require one line of code written to either redirect or mirror your Main website when the customer reaches the registered Domain.


Do you really want to risk your business' Integrity buying "likes" ?

Last week, while checking up on the Inertial Zen Designs Facebook page , I found the following in the messages sections

The content of the message, instantly had me opting not to deal with the "offer", however I decided to look at just how much these guys were wanting to charge to basically have 100,000 Likes generated for Inertial Zen Design's Facebook page.  Arriving at their Website, What we find out is that they guys charge $2000/WEEK and Guarantee 1000,000 Likes in a month time.

So lets do some math here people, by their website numbers a person is looking at 25,000 Likes Per Week for $2,000 that works out to your business paying $12.50/per Like

Now on the other hand lets look at face book's answer , in their help section, to the question "Can I buy Likes for my my Facebook Page?"

No. Certain websites promise to provide large numbers of likes for your Page if you sign up and give them money. These websites typically use deceptive practices or are scams. People who like your Page this way will be less valuable to your Page because they won't necessarily have a genuine interest in what your Page is about. If Facebook's spam systems detect that your Page is connected to this type of activity, we'll place limits on your Page to prevent further violations of our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.

(Source: https://www.facebook.com/help/281084665319172 )

When following the links embedded in Facebook's Answer, we discover that Limits for engaging in these type of practices include the possibility of your Company's Facebook Page being unpublished or the like button being disabled due to the deceptive acquisition of likes.

Considering that a Business which does want advertising on Facebook, can in fact do said Advertising directly through Facebook on a budget based "per click model" which allows the user to create their own Budget,the potential risks a Business runs by Purchasing a service that Promises you a set number of Likes in a specific window, and the potential loss of Creditability for your Businesses Online Presence, one must ask themselves,

Why would you ever even consider taking the risk in the first place?


Slide Show vs List: The Battle For Presentation

Lately there seems to be a trend towards more Websites presenting their information in a slide show or "paged" format as opposed to using a paragraph or list type view.  Fact is, even with the name of this Blog entry, there really is not a right or wrong 100% correct answer to the question of "which format is truly correct to use?"

A slide show format has the advantage of the following details:

-if properly coded through CSS , a slide show allows for a large amount of presented data without fully having to load multiple pages of data

-can allow for screen layout that does not require a large amount of scrolling through "Text Walls" of information

On the other hand,  going with a paragraph formatted document allows for information to be:

-"bundled" in a continuous flow allowing the user, with a flick of the finger, to move along the article at a pace they read at.

-actually can be formatted to wrap around images, and display much like a magazine when viewed on a tablet held in portrait  mode.

Which format is selected for a project should take into account the content being worked with, the desired intended screen size and factors like if your content format is more that of "bullet point" trivia or a fully articulated article with a specific ebb and flow.


Design and Engineering, the two parts of a Website

To the customer a Website, navigation  is very much key to their interactivity with a Website. However, what many customers do not take into account is the engineering that goes on behind the scenes of  a Website.  How tools like PHP, CSS, HTML and Javascript all are coded to work in a harmonious manor , resulting in a design that brings to the customer's eye what is displayed on the screen.

The harmony between Design and Engineering can be seen everywhere in this modern technological world. from Smartphones to Tablets, to Traditional desktop interfaces and even Video Game systems, if it has a Graphical User Interface, or GUI, then odds are it's been designed to take into account both user interface through it's Display and productivity through the back end Engineering that works hand in hand together.

Web Design takes into practice both of these aspects, melding together graphics created in software like Photoshop, Layout coded in HTML in order to create the onscreen interface for a customer and the backend code of things like Javascript, PHP, CSS and PHP to connect together the commands needed for it all to bring to the customer the final project.

It is when Web Design is looked at in this manor that custom created designs can be created to give your project a unique, yet effective presentation to your end user.


Has the first Death Nail been put in Passwords as we Know it, and how could this effect Website Design

On September 10th 2013 (Yesterday if you are reading this on the 11th) Apple announced the new versions of their iPhone device.  The iPhone 5s was announced with including a finger print reader, built into the home button, which Apple has said will be used not only to securely unlock your device but for authorizing purchases in it's App Store, iTunes  and iBooks stores (in other words all of their digital store fronts).

One can only presume that should Apple actually open the API of this technology up to developers, there could be a day where code is written into websites that pings the sensor on the iPhone, iPad or other such devices and allows for the logging into a secure area of a Website from that specific device by the software sending to the server a ping message saying

"Server, I have confirmed that it is David, attached to the email address inertial.zen@gmail.com, grant him access"

The benefits of this to consumers when it comes to confidence in the security of their online interactions can not be stressed enough.  Apple has said that the finger print reader

  • Is Capcitive  touch, scanning the finger at the subcutainious level
  • Will better learn the user's finger print ID with each use
  • Will store the encrypted, learned finger print images on a enclave in the physical A7  chip of the iPhone 5s, without it being uploaded to the cloud or online servers.
  • Devices can be taught to recognize more than one person's finger print (in the cases of shared devices)
As more users move towards doing more of their online life using Smartphones and Tablets, from email to personal banking to online purchases, this technology introduced by Apple into the iPhone 5s device has the potential to change the way Websites are created from a security standpoint.  It's quite possible that in the next 5 years we could see a world where passwords themselves become a sub level of multi factor authentication, or are kept around only for those times when the device you have to access sensitive information from either never had a finger print reader or has not been retrofitted to include one. A world where we rarely, if ever have to look at a screen that reads 

Email: name@provider.extension
Password: ********

What are your thoughts on this possible future, Feel free to leave comments below


Get your point across using Graphics

A Website, at it's core is really very much like a working with a page of paper with information printed on it, and as such there are times when some of the layout tricks used for Traditional Print Media should come to be used in the layout of your Website content in order to get your message out to the public more effectively.

Lets take for example a general line of text  like this :

Open from 9am to 5pm

Now take a look at how this same headline draws your attention, when created on a colourful background.

Notice how your eyes are drawn to the more graphical presentation of the headline. the topic likely drew you in before you read the text around the graphic.  Your clients instantly know the hours of operation for your Company.

While this is a very basic, example of the effect a graphic can have in drawing attention to a detail, the power of using Graphic Elements on your website to get Your Company Business is a very powerful one and,  when partnered with a well designed core layout, can present you with a strong return on investment.


How Blogs and Websites get your message across

One of the first rules of promotion online in the modern age is "You should have a Website and Blog".  But why are these two details so important anyway?, Lets take a bit of a look.

First the Website. This is your home online. A well designed Website will welcome your customer in, present to them the basic information they need, like how to contact you, where you are physically located, the type of products you offer etc.

The Website should be quick to load, accessible from a multiude of platforms and be easy to navigate.  Important details should be accessible from  any of the pages making up the Website.  There should not be anything that can offend the user, like instant, loud blaring music, pop-up screens or other types of details that will see your user hit the back button to their Search results.

That brings us to the Blog. a Blog allows the owner of a Website to present new, updated information on their own schedule, it can be set up for pre-scheduled postings, allowing for details like one page flyers, flash sales and coupons to be deployable on specific dates and times.

The blog also allows you to show the personality of your Business. giving the user some insight into the attitude of your business.  It is a great way to highlight your company's community involvement, through the posting of photos and updates about events your staff take part in.

When properly used together, the combo of a Blog and Website allows any Business to be accessible to the public, and we here at Inertial Zen Designs will be happy to help you in setting up yours.


The Downfalls of "Open Source"

I'll make no bones about it, while I work with Android devices to test Website Designs, I  really do not like the platform over all.

Sure there are the "benefits" that many tout as reasons to be pro-Android, these usually being things like

Android is Cheaper to own
Android can be customized to my liking
Android does not lock me into a "Walled Garden" Ecosystem
Android can run any App that a user wants
Android has More hardware choices

For many users, these and other reasons, might be very practical reasons as to why to go with the Android platform,  and the only one I can fully see as a good thing honestly is that Android can be customized to a user's liking.  A Valid argument as when a device is customized to the user it becomes more an extension of that user and as such will likely bring up more productivity

Notice I said above that I personally can only fully agree with one of the 5 points in favour of Android, and there is a reason for that.  As I said before I actually keep an Android Tablet in my work arsenal of devices in order to test Website designs as they are being worked on, or more specifically I did until that fateful day last week when the worst possible thing that could happen happened


You read that right, the Cheaper to own, no walled garden, run any app a user wants tablet bricked, and the worst part of it bricking....More Hardware Choices.

Now you are likely asking yourself why More Hardware Choices, in this case, is a bad thing, and the answer is actually quite simple.

Because of the Open Source nature of Android, or I should say the Open Source nature of PURE ANDROID, it does work on more hardware, but that comes at a price.  You see, No two models of Android devices are truly the same. With every model, screen size, processor, speakers, Resistive or Capitative touch touch screens every company finds their own solutions, writes their own drivers, and have even taken to securely locking down the boot loader through encryption in order to prevent Rooting.  This practice is the very reason why trouble shooting an Android Device becomes problematic when something does go wrong.

I also happen to own iOS devices and even a Blackberry Playbook to test designs on, in the near future a Windows Tablet will be being added to the Arsenal  to make sure that bases are covered on the mobile side of that platform as well.

Where does owning these devices factor into the downfalls of the "open source" world of Android? Again, the answer is quite simple.  if an iOS device acts up a user can plug it into iTunes and restore it.  Much the same can be said for the Playbook, through the use of Blackberry Desktop, and the Windows Tablet does have a recovery partition that can be coded onto a USB drive for just such an emergency.

Now take a look at Android. a reported 60 % of the tablets on the market do not even support the Google Play Store.  Firmware is being encoded to prevent the user being able to load custom ROMs, in the process making recovery from a catastrophic failure all the more difficult to process when something does go wrong, and the more down time you have due to hardware failure, the more you risk meeting deadlines and the loss of customers.

What I have been faced with is simply a WiFi Tablet, I'm just glad I don't have an Android Phone, or things could be a lot worse


Just how important IS an up to date Anti-virus program?

A couple Friday's back, I was doing what has become a normal part of the life of any person in the modern connected world, checking email, when I got to a message attempting to convince me that the sender was offering me the service of registering one of my websites with them in order to have them then submit said site to Search Engines, or as the email tried to promote it, Search Engine Optimization .

Well, being a web designer, there was no way I was going to click on some random link in an unsolicited email in the first place, even with being on the very virus and malware resistant Apple Computer that I use for my primary machine, and sure enough it was a good thing I did not click the link, for, the email was barely on the screen when suddenly, in the left lower corner of my screen popped up this

Red Alert-Anti-Virus Style

That's correct readers, a threat was detected, as the link in the email (again, thankfully I DID NOT click) was linked to a virus that was just sitting in Cyberspace waiting to attempt to take over my Email Account, Browser, computer (if coded to take over a Mac) AND most likely the specific website the email specifically mentioned

Now, most likely, you are wondering how the attempting Cyber criminals knew where to send the email and just how valuable a good Anti-virus program can be in these type of situations.  Well the answer to the first part is simple, and worth remembering


The second part is also fairly simple, Anti-Virus, along with educating yourself about online risks, can save your digital life.  There are plenty of both free and paid options for system protection on almost all desktop and mobile platforms, its wise to find the one that works for you. Oh, in case you are wondering, the Anti-virus that confirmed what I already figured that fateful Friday was a free app called Avast for Mac.


The Techno-Stressed Life

While there already is a definition related to the term "Techno-Stress" online that describes it basically as the fear of facing new technology, I believe that the additional definition, listed below, should also be applied

Definition: Techno-Stress : (noun) The anxiety felt when technological devices and their respective software act in a counter-productive manor to that in which we are accustomed to them working.

Anyone who has ever worked with technology, and the bridging of platforms, I'm sure are well aware of the definition and the context in which I have described it above.  From attempting to bridge a Blackberry tablet with an Apple iPhone in order to tether services to figuring out how to reset an android device using a desktop that does not wish to compute to even figuring how to get the audio from your laptop to bluetooth speakers via a USB/WiFi combo connection, Techno-Stress can apply to everyone and span multiple situations.

Web Development actually has taken many strides that help in the reduction of Techno-Stress. The standards that have been ratified by the W3C Consortium have allowed users to know that the interfaces they interact with should respond as they are expected to, no matter where or how they are accessed.

Web Tech, and Tech in general, have given society the ability to find new ways to make life easier, as Geekbeat host Cali Lewis used to say on her podcast "My Mobile Life" it's all about doing more whenever, wherever, and the less Techno-Stress we face the more we can do.


HTML and CSS Coding is a great way to create custom forms for Business

When it comes to being a Web Designer, and your own Boss, you very quickly realize just how many forms a Business comes to rely on.  With Inertial Zen Designs, we started out with some basics, which included

-Pre-Design Questionnaires
-Design Contracts
-Schedule of Fees

but it was not too long into the life of the Company that it was realized that we also needed forms to cover things like

-Extensions of Content Deadlines
-Acceptance of Final Design

Now, the normal course of action would be to have these type of documents done up with a print house, however through the use of HTML and CSS, and some creative printing options (like saving your Webpages as PDF files, stripping out the code that would be seen on screen with a unique print.css file) Inertial Zen Designs was able to actually create a set of documents that can both be displayed as part of Your Company's Website, and printable as a PDF form, so that clients can arrive with the proper paperwork for meetings with your Company available to them.

So when your Company contacts Inertial Zen Designs about the possibility of Our coding your Company's website, please do not hesitate to ask us about the options to create PDF's of any forms your Company will be displaying on your Website and how We can create a Site Map which will allow your Clients and Customers to either download the documents off of each specific page or from a single page of linked PDF Documents.