
Website Restoration, or "This Old Site"

You have been in business for some time, you even have a Website, but what do you do when that website starts to look a little old?  The first thought would be to actually start from the ground up and build a whole new Site. 

Consider the alternative , Website Restoration. Your Website, over the year has built a large collection of information that you  may not want to seen lost to your Consumer's access, with Website Restoration, that basic, general content is kept and reworked into a newly designed format thus giving your content a fresh, new coat of paint.

Besides the Consumer's surface being renewed, the Website, actually gets an overhaul on the back end as well, the results allowing for things like Flash Content to be replaced with Animated GIF files for logos, CSS replacing JavaScript roll over animations, pictures can be resized with optimized resolutions and Search Engine Optimization can be added in, all bringing a Website up to standards that will allow it to reach a larger audience.

Now ask yourself, do you want new or shall you renew This Old Site ?

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