Lately, there has been a lot in the NEWS, in Blogs and on different Websites about Privacy Settings. People complaining about how this site or that site needs to do a better job with how THEY Manage Your Privacy settings.
after reading post after post about this, and even seeing some users announce that they were turning off specific features because it’s easier to not allow followers than it is to learn to practice due-diligence in making sure your settings are what YOU want them to be, I felt that this was a topic I wanted to address.
The fact is, there is no gun being held to our heads to use any of these services, and yes there could be improvements made on the side of the services being provided, but it has to be kept in mind that these services are being coded for the majority of users who frequent them. If YOU want to keep specific parts of your life private YOU have options, such as:
Keep a stand alone page for public interaction, separated from your Personal page on any site.
Take the time to make sure that little drop down indicator for your post is set the way you want BEFORE you hit the send button
Rethink just what information you are even posting up onto a site, and ask yourself “Does this need to be posted up anyway, or can I get it to just the people who need the information in another method?”
We hear it all the time, “It Takes a Community….” well yes it does, but every person in that community needs to take responsibility for the choices and actions they choose to take. Keep that in mind when creating YOUR future postings
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