
Pre-Design worksheets and knowing your content Before seeking out a Designer

If you are  a regular reader of this blog, then you saw my post about explaining what a Web Designer does to someone who does not understand Technology. While there are many aspects of Web Design that can be explained in manors that explain more traditional publishing concepts, like Page Layout, there is a common thread in the two worlds that can leave both dead in the water if not addressed, CONTENT!

Content, is THE most important part of any Website Design project! Without content, the people accessing your Website are left with what amounts to nothing more than a blank page.  So, how do you, as the party commissioning the creation of a Website, make sure that the user has something to read?  The answer to that is simple, PLAN AHEAD!

A good Web Designer, will be able to provide you with tools to pre plan your Website, a Pre-Design Interview or Worksheet that includes information about your Desired budget, launch date, Domain name and the concept for your Website.

This document will also allow for finding out the type of content you want including in your Website.  Will it include Images? What about Sound Files? Flash ? Video? What Keywords are you looking to focus on (Important for Search Engine Optimization)? 

The Details covered in a good Pre-Design Worksheet, will allow you, the client, to get your thoughts in order.  From a Design standpoint, it helps your Designer get a grasp on what you want from Your Website, and hopefully will help you get the focus needed to compose the content you wish to spotlight.

If you wish to look at a sample Pre-Design Worksheet, Inertial Zen Designs hosts one on our Website Inertial Zen Designs under the Pre-Design section

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