
How to ruin credibility and drive consumers away with just a headline

Headlines, they can either make or break the drive to your Website.  Usually, in this digital age they are that topic line that is placed in a Facebook or Google Plus posting or email message, and is intended to drive users to your Website to read the Article.

But did you know that it’s quite possible to actually ruin a Website’s credibility by picking the wrong wording?  This actually happened with one of the daily email newsletters that I’m subscribed to, just earlier this week.

On October 29th, I opened my email inbox to find this headline from CNET’s Insider newsletter

Breaking: CNET’s review of Apple’s iPad Air

Clicking on the story, returned a pretty standard technological review of Apple’s new tablet, leaving me to ask one major question?


Had the new device seen a very critical issue with it, then it’s quite possible that their headline for the email Newsletter would have been fitting, but because this was not the case then their choice of subject line actually qualifies as something we have discussed in this Blog before “Click-bait”

And the problem with Click-Bait? Well lets just put it this way, Do you buy the National Enquirer at the checkout of your local store and then wonder why you wasted your money on the purchase? Online time is the currency and a user can be left with that same feeling, leaving them choosing to bypass your Website in the future.


Privacy settings, Who’s Responsibility is it anyway?

Lately, there has been a lot in the NEWS, in Blogs and on different Websites about Privacy Settings. People complaining about how this site or that site needs to do a better job with how THEY Manage Your Privacy settings.

after reading post after post about this, and even seeing some users announce that they were turning off specific features because it’s easier to not allow followers than it is to learn to practice due-diligence in making sure your settings are what  YOU want them to be, I felt that this was a topic I wanted to address.

The fact is, there is no gun being held to our heads to use any of these services, and yes there could be improvements made on the side of the services being provided, but it has to be kept in mind that these services are being coded for the majority of users who frequent them.  If YOU want to keep specific parts of your life private YOU have options, such as:

Keep a stand alone page for public interaction, separated from your Personal page on any site.
Take the time to make sure that little drop down indicator for your post is set the way you want BEFORE you hit the send button
Rethink just what information you are even posting up onto a site, and ask yourself “Does this need to be posted up anyway, or can I get it to just the people who need the information in another method?”

We hear it all the time, “It Takes a Community….” well yes it does, but every person in that community needs to take responsibility for the choices and actions they choose to take.  Keep that in mind when creating YOUR future postings


Apple Goes Free, My Thoughts

When Apple released their OS X Mavericks release last week, they also announced that things were changing with Pricing.  First they released this version of the Operating System itself for Free (previously a $20 upgrade), they then followed this up by releasing the Apps which make up iLife (Garageband, iMovie and iPhoto) and iWork (Pages, Numbers and Keynote) as Free upgrades for existing customers and bundled Free Apps for new Mac owners.

Many have seen this as a shot at both Microsoft and Google, who at least with Office suites, offer options to the Customers (Google’s free Google Docs option and Microsoft’s Subscription based Office 365 option).  But as I pointed out on my personal Google Plus account, the changing to a Free system makes sense due to Apple’s own iCloud service.

Months ago, during their WWDC (World Wide Developer’s Conference) Apple announced “iWork for iCloud” which brought the Pages, Numbers and Keynote apps accessible to anyone who had access to Apple’s iCloud service (a standard accessible option for anyone who owns either a Mac Desktop / Laptop, iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad device, and can be accessed even on Windows machines via the icloud.com website) 

When you figure, based off numbers reported in this CNET article, Apple has over 400 Million devices in the wild that runs the iOS operating system (iPhones, iPod touch and iPad), and every one of those owners have access to iWork via the iWork in the Cloud access option, the ability to actually sell these Apps to consumers have been diminished , after all, would you pay $60 for access to iWork on a Mac, plus an additional $30 to access the same programs on your iOS device, totalling $90 combined, when you can access the same tools as part of your basic iCloud account for Free? I know I for one would not, and I suspect I would not be alone on that detail. Going free was really the wise move on Apple’s part


Pre-Design worksheets and knowing your content Before seeking out a Designer

If you are  a regular reader of this blog, then you saw my post about explaining what a Web Designer does to someone who does not understand Technology. While there are many aspects of Web Design that can be explained in manors that explain more traditional publishing concepts, like Page Layout, there is a common thread in the two worlds that can leave both dead in the water if not addressed, CONTENT!

Content, is THE most important part of any Website Design project! Without content, the people accessing your Website are left with what amounts to nothing more than a blank page.  So, how do you, as the party commissioning the creation of a Website, make sure that the user has something to read?  The answer to that is simple, PLAN AHEAD!

A good Web Designer, will be able to provide you with tools to pre plan your Website, a Pre-Design Interview or Worksheet that includes information about your Desired budget, launch date, Domain name and the concept for your Website.

This document will also allow for finding out the type of content you want including in your Website.  Will it include Images? What about Sound Files? Flash ? Video? What Keywords are you looking to focus on (Important for Search Engine Optimization)? 

The Details covered in a good Pre-Design Worksheet, will allow you, the client, to get your thoughts in order.  From a Design standpoint, it helps your Designer get a grasp on what you want from Your Website, and hopefully will help you get the focus needed to compose the content you wish to spotlight.

If you wish to look at a sample Pre-Design Worksheet, Inertial Zen Designs hosts one on our Website Inertial Zen Designs under the Pre-Design section


OS X 10.9 Mavericks, Hands on Opinions

This past tuesday, Apple released the newest version of their Desktop / Laptop Operating system OS X 10.9 aka Mavericks, and right out of the launch pad (pun intended) they opened with a pleasent surprise.  Unlike OS x 10.8, which cost users $20 to upgrade, Mavericks was released for FREE!

With that welcome sigh of relief from the wallet, we moved on to Downloading (a process that took about 90 minutes, even with the large number of pings to Apples’s server, this really was not a bad time to download a 5.3 GB install file). Moving to  the install stage (Another 45 minutes process) was, as expected a smooth process.

So, we’re downloaded AND installed, now comes the important part. How does Mavericks run? Well first let Me say that I am not running the top of the line machine. Working with a Late 2009 Mac Mini and 2 GB’s of Ram, things have, so far, ran fairly smoothly. 

In fact as I’m writing this Blog, I also have an update to Garageband downloading/installing , 3 Tabs in Google Chrome, Have the Mail app open, running a couple messengers and watching an episode of Twit’s Tech News Today in iTunes (also updated, as iTunes, the iLife and iWorks suites have all been upgraded and for new Mac owners, or those that have used it in the past-though it seems this has to have been App Store purchased and not the disk versions, iLife and iWorks are now also Free).  The test will be when I fire up Photoshop, and get working with graphics work, but keep in mind so far this is all on a 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 2 Gigs of ram.

Apple has promoted that there is over 200 new features to Mavericks, including bringing Apple Maps and iBooks to the user’s screen.  Apple has also extended the hardware range that this new version can run, effectively making it able to be run on any Apple machine that has been released in the last 6 years.  

Initial impressions, I’m very pleased with this, with the exception of things for those who picked up iLife / iWork appearing to be excluded from the Free upgrades, at least on launch day, hopefully Apple will be able to catch up with this detail in the near future.


Tablet Typing: Could we use a re-evaluation of how to teach this?

It's been a standard for the ages, and I'm sure we have all heard it "Home row, ASDF JKL; " but maybe it's time to re-evaluate teaching Typing a bit.

No I'm not talking changing the basics here, just more how they are applied as we shift from the days of having physical keys under our fingers to virtual keyboards.  Think about it, Not even 5 years ago, there was no such thing as the iPad, Microsoft had no such thing as the Surface and Android, well…

gone are the days where we keep our eyes off the keyboard and on the screen, modern devices have seen to it that our screen IS Our keyboard, so why should the way typing is taught not change along with it

Tablets have required the user to change how they think about typing. In a hand held, portrait position, Many users are taking to working around their virtual keyboard by holding the tablet in one hand and using three to four fingers of their other hand to navigate the keys.  This is especially true when working with 5 inch to 7inch tablets and phones.

Some users prefer, as an option, the use of a Stylus when working with the keyboard on a tablet or phone. The other thing that has to be looked at over time is the possibility of the virtual keyboard eventually being replaced with voice dictation, rendering excessive typing a thing of the past.

What are your thoughts on the future of typing as we move from traditional computers into the tablet and wearable computer era? Leave your comments below.


Article Comments, the battle zone carries some valuable information…no really it's true

I've let my feelings about the combat zone of Technology fandom be known in the past, Others I have talked to and articles I've read have all made the statement that they cant be bothered to read the comments sections of posted articles now a days because it is just too much back and forth between respective camps (XBOX is better than Playstation, Apple users are Sheep and Android is better…and back and forth both ways)

I say some of the best information you can get, valuable information that might just help your company present better products and services, is actually to dive in there (with protection and a strong backbone) and READ IT!

Why, you might ask?  While a lot of these type of articles are commented on by people who have their own preferences, and perhaps a "My way or nothing" mentality. every so often, you can actually get comments left by people who have valuable input, or questions pertaining to your Products / Services.  Maybe you can find that there is a new way for your product to be used, like what happened with one company I interacted with, let me tell you a brief story

Here in Canada, it's a known fact that Hockey is a major part of our world, and with the change from Wooden to Composite Hockey sticks a company called Blade Tape created a new product that replaced traditional Hockey tape.  Since the Leg Brace I wear is made of the same material as modern Hockey Sticks, I keep an eye on these worlds to  think outside the box when it comes to repairs and wearability.  

Blade Tape, through their Website and Social Media wanted to know how people were putting their product to use. So I commented my use of it.  It was not 24 hours later that the company was contacting Me for more detail, detail that potentially gave them a new market for their product, and all because they read the comments on a posting.

Keep this in mind with your Social Networking setup, You never know, through all that "My side is better than your side" back and forth of the Technology Fanatic battles, you just might find the nugget of information that lets you improve your business.


First Unlimited Text, Then Unlimited Voice, What's charged for when Data goes Unlimited?

So far, there has been a trend I've been noticing in Mobile plan offerings.  First companies charged for Both Minutes and Text Messaging. Overtime Text Messaging because something that they eventually offered in a Free Unlimited Bucket.

Then, as phones really became pocket carried Computers, Text Messages and Voice minute buckets both became part of your Base Rate Package, with the charging item not being Data, but that lead me to wonder about something.

What's left for Mobile Carrier's to charge for? With Both SMS and Voice Minutes pretty much only having the cost of System Access being charged, and phones having the ability to access more and more Wifi based services. What do you, the users, think will be the next thing Carriers can charge for, Please leave your comments.


Prince George Hacks-Hackathon: A unique Experience

So what do you get when you bring about 20 of a city's Most Technical minds together in one place for a 6 hour day?

The Answer, Four new projects that can bring to the public information about Environmental info, compare City Spending Habits, collect data from Park visits and hooks fans up with info for the Canada 2015 Games.

Four teams, members of each team ranging from Web Designers to even one Rocket Scientist , started the day out with brainstorming. From there a group vote took a collection of around 12 ideas was narrowed down to four and work began. Pulling out the MacBooks, the Window's machines, and even a small platoon  of Blackberry Playbook's, the Teams accessed things like the BC Government's Environmental data, Google Maps API's and other tools all in the name of creating a marriage of Technological knowledge and presentation.

By 4pm the results were known, and the teams collective efforts produced presentable proofs of concept that can be expanded on, all in the name of bringing Data to the Masses.

Saturday Oct. 19th goes down as a first for the City of Prince George, and proved just what a Technological Think Tank can produce when working for a common goal.  It was my honour to be able to be a part of this first ever event and look forward to future events.

if you happen to be around Prince George BC and want to sign up with a future event check out the Startup Prince George Website and join us for the next one



A little something different today as I'm sharing up a Vlog from the lovely and talented Nixie Pixel explaining a bit about creating a strong password

Nixie Pixel on Passwords


Social Media and job searching.

(This I wrote up a couple years ago, and share with you readers, please feel free to share )

We all know how addictive sites like Facebook can be, what with the games, applications and ability to catch up with family, former classmates and friends.

Social Media has give the public ways to interact personally, be it via web browser, Iphone or any number of devices. We can tell our friends with the push of a button “Hey I'm a Starbucks come join me for a coffee” just as easy as we can share photos from that House party at “Jason's” over the weekend.

However there is a side to Social Media many forget to take into account, and that can be the impact it can have on a persons search into finding work.

When someone who is searching for employment decides to start with a Social Media Networking site they should ask themselves the following questions:

  1. Do I trust my friends to not post anything that could paint me in a negative light in the eyes of a potential employer?
  2. Is it wise to use the same email account for accessing a social media site that I publish on my resume?
  3. Can I be diligent enough to routinely log into my account on a daily basis and make sure that I have not been tagged in a photo that would give the an impression of being unreliable in the eyes of a Human Resources department?

If you can honestly ask yourself these questions and feel confident with answering yes, then its time to move on to your next step, deciding which Social Media websites websites will benefit your job searching best. For blanket networking a site like Facebook is a good starting point, but remember, your trying to target your skills to the marketplace your looking to get into.

providing you are ready to take into account a few basic protocols.

  1. Language can kill you in the eyes of an employer.
      This not only means your personal use of wording but how others post to your profile's wall . Employers are looking at your social media page as an extension of yourself, but they want to be able to also see that you have the poise and diplomatic skills to be viewed as part of the public face of their company. Items like slang phrases picked up from shows like Jersey shore, or fowl language can instantly turn the opinion of an employer from one of interest to disgust

one way to make sure your profile page passes muster, is to get a list of terms that you know would be frowned upon by broadcast standards (Comedian George Carlin would have referred to them as the 7 words you cant say on TV) . Now with that list in hand bring up your profile page in a internet browser and then on a PC press your CTRL key and tap the letter F. This will bring up the find feature and allow you to scan your page for each of the words on your list. From there its a matter of self censorship for the betterment of your chances career wise.

Try to use the same judgment you would with inappropriate words as with photos, especially your profile photos, while there is noting wrong with a humorous profile photo, ask yourself , would this risk offending someone if this picture was being passed around a group that included all age ranges?

Think of photos in this manor. Does the image your uploading rate as G, PG, PG-13, M, or NC-17. While anything up to PG-13 may be allowed depending on how formal the office is, its best to not push your profile past PG, and preferable to try to keep it G rated as you never know when the company your applying to is looking for someone who they can feel confident will represent them with any age range.

  1. Be aware of the groups pages and forms you decide to follow on your page.
    1. This becomes important when you realize that Human Resource managers are not going to stop their social media research of you at your personal front page. If your applying with a company like Telus, don't forget the fact that as a company Telus is going to most likely monitor all groups and pages related to telecommunications.
      In other words, it doesn't matter if you accept that “I hate Telus” invite your friend Betty sent you or you comment on the Rogers page that their “a million times better that that (Explicative deleted) customer service provided by Telus. The odds are that Human resources is going to direct your resume to the “not the right fit for our company” file.

      1. Consistency
        1. Nothing is more harmful than a lack of consistency in between your social media page and the information on your resume. Basics can be covered making sure that the segments related to past job history and education match up. In other words try to make sure that if you worked at ABC sprockets as an entry level customer service agent that the information for both your social media page, your resume and your references all show consistent details.

      1. Promotable Skills
        1. This is where you have the change to truly shine with a social media page. Do not hesitate to link to skill related projects. If your a Website Designer, put links to the sites you have worked on in your About Me section. For those who work Graphics design, video editing or music creation a social media page becomes your portable portfolio. With things like QR codes.

          interested Human Resource managers can quickly be linked to different aspects of your creative talents, and if your talents fall more towards hands on projects like woodcraft, welding, carpentry etc. The social media page still can benefit you immensely as it gives you a place where you can display images of projects in their different stages of development through to completion
      2. Networking!
        1. This is MAJOR when it comes to putting social media sites to play in the quest for career advancement. A good example when it comes to myself is the fact I design and sell my own line of clothing, as such it helps to have an ear to the ground of the market trends and practices of different companies. Social media and networking sites like Linkedin allow me to connect with companies like Affliction Clothing, giving me a insight into the general size of their company, business practices and policies. It also permits someone with the creative talent to have a line of communication where they can sell a company on a design should it be something that doesn't fit with your own creative spark.

In the case of using social media and networking to your job search advantage, Google (or Bing or Yahoo etc) becomes your best friend, search for social networking and media sites that match what you are looking to get into. Find the Twitter feeds for companies you know are in your field and follow them, don't hesitate to make it an interactive usage of these services. For example, if your looking into wanting to work at a sawmill search out a company like West Fraser , follow them and if they post being awarded a kudos for attention to staff safety do not be afraid to click “re-tweet” to share the news with others, or even respond and offer a quick (140 characters or less) note of congratulations. It'll be remembered should an interview comes up and the response to “how did you hear about us” is Via Twitter

The suggestions in this document are only the tip of the iceberg, but as more and more companies branch out into the digital world, sites like Facebook, Linkedin and others are going to become factors that influence the decisions of human resource managers, who are on the look out to right fit a successful candidate into their company's day to day operations.


Content Management Systems, should your public Internet Face be done this way?

Definition : Content Management System (CMS): A computer program that allows publishing, editing and modifying content as well as maintenance from a central interface

The other day, I got into a conversation with a fellow Web Designer, who told me that Wordpress and the scripting language PHP, were the future for Web Designers, and that more companies are  deploying more Websites in this manor.

But, lets look at this for a second, does CMS make sense when it comes to the Website that the public , Sure a layout like Wikipedia is good, for publicly curated encyclopaedic content, but for most businesses, at least from their public face, do you really want something that any member of your team can edit from any remote location, without information being validated through the proper channels and departments?

In the world of Business Websites, It's best to leave the interactive, editable content to a platform like Facebook or Google Plus, at best maybe just factor one area of your public site in the CMS system.  I would personally suggest that a company save the CMS setup for a Internally Networked, or Privately accessed Website and go with a more traditional Web Site design for their consumer accessible Site.


Explaining what a Web Designer does to someone who does not understand Technology

Over the weekend, I was back in my Hometown for the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend, I got the statement from my Mom that she was having problems explaining to my 90 Year Old Grandmother what I do as a Web Designer.

This caused me to have to think a bit about just how to go about explaining this, as I knew my Grandmother would be joining us for Turkey Dinner, and the solution came to me thanks to a project She had done when I was growing up.

The explanation that allowed me to answer the question "Just what does he do with his business" was that I do Page Layout, setting images and text in place to create a readable page, to which My Grandmother's response was "Oh Ok, that makes sense"

The fact of the matter is, I could have went into more detail, going into how I edit the photos, discussing things like Audio and Video files, Cascading Style Sheets and just what HTML stands for (Hypertext Markup Language by the way), but not everyone understand all that goes into Web Design. By describing it like a Typesetter, or Traditional Publisher is understood by someone who may not understand the world of Technology, in other words, Keeping it Stupidly Simple.


How to deal with copycats

Have you ever chanced to come across two of anything that look almost identical and wonder just what the makers of the second item were thinking in replicating the first one?

In many areas of product marketing this is done every day. Company A releases a product that catches on with people, prompting company B to replicate their own design in hopes they too can find success in the same market.

Website design, is not all that different, at any given moment of any given day new websites come online with a look and feel that almost mirrors existing sites.  part of this maybe because the form of the Website is functionally well laid out. It can also be done to entice some users over from the competitor to your site. No matter the reason

So, just how does one go about the creation and presentation of new, unique content? The answer is, actually, not all that easy to state, however by presenting open, honest and Site relevant content to your Company's project, then backing that content up with strong, passionate customer support and product expertise your company can be on it's way to a Website that works for you and your consumer base.


Traveling and Cables

Many people in modern times travel with Technology, you have the Smart Phone, a Tablet, maybe you still  carry a Laptop, cause the apps you need are not on the Tablet or Smart Phone, and lets not forget the Accessories.

This of course means the dreaded detail, Cables! Sure enough it's happened to everyone, at one time or another, you reach your destination and realize you "Forgot the Charge Cable…ugh!"

So, how does one travel better when it comes to Technology and all those Cables, well a few tips I suggest include 

Step 1: Make a List of EVERYTHING you travel with that needs a cable
Step 2: Pick up a second adapter for each item on the list from Step 1
Step 3: Stop by your local Dollar Store and buy a cheap soft sided zippered Pencil Case
Step 4: Place a Printed List and the second adapter cable for each item on that list in the Pencil Case
Step 5: Store newly created travel kit in your luggage so you have it when you travel.
Step 6: Update the Kit when ever you change up a device you travel with

Following this process should allow you to travel with little to no headaches from having forgot to pack your cables, which means less trips to the Business Depot, Radio Shack or Apple Store in a City you are not used to.

Safe Travels and Stay Technical My Friends


Hey! Don't throw away that, You Never Know when your Technology might need it

We see them everywhere, they are packed in some Snacks, like Beef Jerky, in New Shoes and in Electronics, and what do we do with them when we get them? We Throw them away!

Then , that day comes, you know that Fateful day when you drop your Smart Phone in a puddle, Little Jimmy or Jenny attempts to discover if the Tablet will Float, or you spill coffee on it over breakfast.  Te first thought being "CRAP! that's going to cost me hundreds to replace!

If you're lucky, you have some dry white rice that you can toss the device into in order to suck all the liquid out of it, and hopefully, pull it back from the brink of the Electronic Afterlife, until you realize… you finished off the Rice the night before making that dish for dinner.

you're at that point of "!@#$ What do I do now, my brand new [insert brand and item here] is DEAD!" until you stop for a second…"wait a tick, I planned specifically for this!" you say to yourself, running to the Tech box, where you pull out that reusable plastic deli meat container filled with the contents of that substance we used to always toss out, thats right THE SILICA PACK! 

Tossing the device in the bin, you pace back and forth for a day as those little beads wick the water away from all the sensitive areas of your device, you pull it out, you turn it on, you hear the familiar notes of your notification alert! Success, as you hold it to the sky, doing the Doctor Frankenstein "It's Alive" performance.

All because that little package got directed to a reusable cause instead of just being tossed in the trash.


Hackathon, or Giving back to the community through Sharing Tech Knowledge

So, in the past week I actually signed up to be part of something new for my local community, a event called PG (Prince George) Hacks, a Hackathon!  But what is a Hackathon anyway? 

To the majority of the world many view the idea of Hacking as the practice of cracking security to access information for nefarious purposes. In reality though this hackathon, actually is a place for Programmers, Database Designers, Web Developers and IT Specialists to take a day, gather together and create applications and processes which will help make the "world work a little better"

PG Hacks takes place on Oct. 19th and, is something I'm looking forward to participating in. more information can be found but looking up , on Twitter, #PGHACKS or bring up the following website


Prepping a Mobile Office and how a reliable tablet can help you showcase your business in the field

In this modern, connected world, the art of the Business meeting is being taken out of the traditional office environment and into more informal locations like Starbucks.  It's getting more prevalent to see people discussing projects over a coffee at the corner wi-fi shop with their portfolio open, pen and note pad at hand to take notes.

But what if there is something  on your Business' Website that would help with the discussion, what is the best solution for this situation.  the answer may very well be a  7-8 inch Tablet.  

Be it any of the Android devices, Blackberry's Playbook (Don't laugh too much, it was a major part of my return to Post-Secondary Education a couple years ago and still is a go to tablet on a daily basis to this very day) Apple's iPad mini or a Windows based offering. Having a Wi-Fi connected tablet at the ready allows you to quickly bring up specifically the information needed to win over your client and potentially land the deal.

Why do I suggest a 7-8 Inch tablet, instead of something in the 10-inch screen range? The answer is simply portability.  This size tablet can fit into most pockets on a zippered portfolio and be deployed quickly with the addition of a inexpensive stand for finding a good viewing angle.  Add in a recording device , like Voice Notes on the iPhone, making sure you have something like the Square Adaptor to take payment in the field and, depending on the device a small USB Drive (say 8GB's) to the standard weapons of a Pen, Notepad and easily accessible Business Cards to round out your portable office workspace, and you should be set.


Do All Businesses need Twitter?

Twitter is a wonderful service for Business, With ease a Business can quickly communicate to their Consumers promotions, special or upcoming events, all summed up in the space of about a text message.

But what if you have a business that is not formatted to benefiting from Special Events, and rarely has a product or service to offer via a promotion?

Take Inertial Zen Designs for example.  My company's primary business IS Web Design, the service is what is for sale, there is no physical Tee Shirts, Mouse Pads etc to sell. The office is a Home Based Office, so promoting on site events makes no real sense and if a promotion is done, outside of the free initial conference with a client, it usually consists of donating the creation of a Web Site to a good cause.

A business model like this can be well served with a Web Site, and even Facebook and Google Plus pages, where articles can be shared with explanations as to why the link is important. Twitter still remains an option Oh, and Inertial Zen Designs does in fact have a Twitter account



Website Restoration, or "This Old Site"

You have been in business for some time, you even have a Website, but what do you do when that website starts to look a little old?  The first thought would be to actually start from the ground up and build a whole new Site. 

Consider the alternative , Website Restoration. Your Website, over the year has built a large collection of information that you  may not want to seen lost to your Consumer's access, with Website Restoration, that basic, general content is kept and reworked into a newly designed format thus giving your content a fresh, new coat of paint.

Besides the Consumer's surface being renewed, the Website, actually gets an overhaul on the back end as well, the results allowing for things like Flash Content to be replaced with Animated GIF files for logos, CSS replacing JavaScript roll over animations, pictures can be resized with optimized resolutions and Search Engine Optimization can be added in, all bringing a Website up to standards that will allow it to reach a larger audience.

Now ask yourself, do you want new or shall you renew This Old Site ?


Reworking existing code, or Oh What Fun rewrites can be.

As I got moving my personal website to a new server this week, I ran into a rather interesting task. You see I had HTML documents that had been coded back in 2001, long before HTML 5 and CSS 3 became the standards they are today.  

This, of course, means way more additional work in bringing the code of these pages up to modern levels, while at the same time maintaining the details of the original documents, and got me to thinking

Are there times where it makes more sense to start from scratch, or is a Website Restoration really the way to go?

And the answer is, of course, there are times where both options are viable and credible options. How someone decided on their path is of course factor driven, the biggest factor being that it may very well cost more to do a Website Restoration due to the fact that your Designer has to dive through existing code, deleting code that is not up to standards and replacing it with HTML 5 Standards. Other parts of code may very well have to be moved over to the being done on the CSS side of the coding instead of the HTML 5 side.

What are your thoughts on Website Restoration, Please leave comments below


Perfect Code...Until it hits the Server that is

So lets say you have recieved your finalized Website from your Designer, complete with the W3C Validation report for your final product verifying no errors in the code.

You upload the documents to a hosting server and publically announce the site's launch to the public when...wait! what is THAT?!!! A second Validation shows errors, and multiple ones at that!  Did your Designer miss something?

Turns out, the probable answer is a resounding NO! You see, there are many commercial servers that code things in their own way, they want their own annaliticis as to how their server is being accessed, so they plug in their own tracking code into a Design's HTML documents.

So how do you make sure your Designer is actually not the problem, and that there has indeed been additional code added to a Site's design?

try following these simple steps
1. Run the pages through the W3C Validator yourself prior to upload

2. Ask your Designer to key in a sign off that can be looked at in the document to show just where their work stops and add-on auto-generated code starts. this can be as simple as this example, coded just prior to the </html> line of a document

<!--codeded by David Peters, Inertial Zen Designs dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm-->

by coding in a digital signature in like this, which will not be visible on the displayed site's front end, your Designer is showing their pride in the work presented to your Company.