
The Benefits of the KISS Principle when it comes to Web Design

"Simplicity is the last step of art"--Bruce Lee

This quote, by Legendary Martial Artist and Actor Bruce Lee, in many ways also applies to your Company's Website. Much like a fine piece of Art, a well designed Website can bring out a pleasurable response from your Customers as they navigate the site.

So how does one go about designing a Website that delivers it's content while at the same time allowing the user the ability to access all information available to them? The answer is through navigation and layout.

No matter what the content of your Website may be, it's best to have a easily accessible collection of major links through out the Site.  Once a user reaches an area, make sure they know where they are located and the path they took to get there. This can be as simple as a set of links on the current page, much like the example below


  Home > Page 1 > Page 2 > Current Page

Having, what is basically a mini mapping of The user's location allows the user the ability to get back, 1, 2 or even all the way back to the main page without having to dig their way through links or using their back button.  This allows the navigation of the site to apply the "Keep it Simple, Stupid" Principle and as such makes for an easier and more pleasurable, directly accessible collection of information for your Website.

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