
How NOT to make a good impression using Social Media

Following up on the blog post from two days ago, I thought I would share with you readers how not to use a blog post and some of the fallout it can cause.

Yesterday, a user on Google Plus, whom most other users consider a Troll and a source of spam posted up a link to the following "News" story (written by himself, and either posted by a secondary account or via a friend's account, a specific link to the User's blog has not been posted due to my not wishing to add to his click numbers with this piece of Click Bait)

Upon, with my personal account, coming across this post I read the "article" and commented the following

"Seriously if you are going to post up an article claiming something at least make it believable, something like, oh I dont know Statistics from EB Games, Amazon and Best Buy supporting a drop in pre-orders after the Kinect 2 announcement might help...other wise we're looking at Lies, Trolling and flat out Bull S**T"

The result of this was for one of the original poster's "buddies" to respond with 

"...holy wow way to get defensive peter griffin look alike.....#fatboywannacracker"

Simply because it was suggested that if they were going to post up something, link some proof about what you are posting.  Why is this important to your business? The answer to this is very simple.  My comment in this modern age could have come from any user online and the way this "News Blogger" and his "Friends" responded to said comment in fact show how to very quickly drive users away from accessing your Blog or Website for information, and lets face facts here if your Blog or Website is supposed to make you money through advertising on the site, alienating the readership is going to have a negative effect on your bottom line.

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