
Embedding Audio and Video into a Webpage viewable anywhere and without it being a distraction

Audio and video have become a very important and expected aspect of many Websites, but in the past these features have created many problems for the end user of a Web Interface. From Auto playing files to format conflicts, your end user can run into many small annoyances that actually build towards the decision to not continue interacting with your Site.

Issues like file formats that do not play on specific platforms is something that through HTML 5 Standards, and the use of services like Youtube, has all but been eliminated as standards like H.265 MP4 video becomes adapted by more sites.

With the audio standard of MP3, audio files can now, with ease be embedded into a Website and streamed back as well.

The main thing to make sure of when it comes to embedding these elements into Websites is that audio and video content is encoded in order to make sure that they do not auto play, as this can drive a user away from your Website faster than anything.

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