
Breaking with the Standard Material for an Entry

I would like to take the time to break from Our standard topic base, in order to Wish a good friend of mine, Ashley Fetters, the best of luck as she departs today to participate in the Miss Canada Globe Petite 2013 Pageant

Part of Ashley's platform for the Pageant includes support for the wonderful Charitable Organization March of Dimes Canada, and the eradication efforts of the Polio Virus worldwide. Polio Awareness and Eradication efforts are something near to myself as I have lived with the effects of this Virus personally for over 30 years

The Finals will take play Aug 26th in Toronto Ontario. If you wish to learn more about Ashley and the Miss Canada Globe Petite Pageant, please go to her Facebook page at


Good Luck Ashley, I'll be rooting for you all the way.

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