
As a Content Provider, Pop-up Scripts are NOT Your Friend

Lets face it, spend any time online and you are bound to come across a Website popping up one of these screens when you realize that the Website is not what you are looking for.

While Websites put this type of pop up on their site with the intention of getting the consumer to reconsider the option of staying around and exploring the Site, the opposite actually tends to happen.  Users end up getting annoyed at something that steals focus and delays their return to search results that could produce the actual information they are researching.

This annoyance does not sit well for future visitors to your Website, for People quickly start to advise their friends to not visit your site, or worse yet they consider your Site to be a producer of malware and will report your domain as such to Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware sites.

Being reported in this manor can actually see your placement on Search Engines go down, and warnings put in place advising new Consumers that your Site has been flagged.  Now think about that, from the user's perspective and your's as well.

 If no one clicks to your Website to get information your Website goes from being a productive part of your advertising presence to actually being a liability for the Company, after all do you think Customers will enter into your physical store front if it looks like your online presence produces questionable content?

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