
HTML 5 and CSS 3 are actually very flexible Programming Languages

A couple months ago, a good friend of mine asked me about Designing for them a Website for their upstart business. This site would be a little promotional project, which when completed could showcase their portfolio, blog and contact information.

Not long after she decided to look into using a Drag-n-Drop Editor, in order to allow for future upkeep on her own, and while I was quite ok with this decision, I had to quickly point out to my friend that the "Mobile Ready" version of her Website that the Editor had created had a major flaw to it which would effect her ability to draw clients.

You see, the problem with the tools that My friend used to build her site through the Editor, actually left her with a Mobile version that took out the two most important promotional tools of her Site, Her Blog and Portfolio due to it stripping specific elements out of the original code

Meanwhile, The Website for Inertial Zen Designs, was coded using the Standards of HTML 5 and CSS 3 only, actually returned a website that displays exactly the same way, no matter the platform it is loaded on, this is evident by the screen captures,shown below, of the website on the OSX Version of Google Chrome, Safari on iOS and the default browser on Blackberry's QNX Operating system being ran on the Playbook Tablet. Using just HTML 5 and CSS 3 returned a Website that will even display the blog you are reading (which has been embedded via the use of a HTML standard called an iFrame).

Inertial Zen Designs Website, as seen on iOS, QNX and OS X

Now, as a Company, ask yourself Which Website do you think meets your needs?


Why a Pre-Design Questionnaire makes Sense for a new Client/Designer Relationship

One of the biggest details that can lead to a Client and Designer having a happy, professional relationship through the Design process.  Can you as a Designer get the concepts that your client envisions? Can your client be assured that you are envisioning the concepts much the same way that they do? Is there a way to help bridge the communication gap?

There is a simple, one document solution to the questions raised, a Pre-Design questionnaire.  A Pre-Design Questionnaire, while a fairly simple document, covering the general basics of what should be going into a Website Project.  But, in actuality it goes beyond that.  With something as simple as a two page document, that your client can download and print, you as a Designer can actually have a large amount of information on hand, before you even start the design layout.  That information can include

-Desired Budget
-Desired (or Confirmed) Domain name and extension
-Site Concept
-Number of Pages
-Color Scheme
-Types of Content
-Keywords (Important to the start of strong Search Engine Optimization)
-Formatting and Embedded Elements
-if Your client plans to maintain the Site themselves after completed

Including a Design grid image, like the one below, also will let your Client get a general idea of how things can be mapped out in a working area of 1000 pixels wide.  This way you, as a Designer, have the modern version of a "Napkin Sketch" to work with when you sit down to start framing out the client's project

Design Grid for Websites- Feel Free to Download and Use


Why Does Inertial Zen Designs avoid designing using Flash?

Adobe's Flash software, for the longest time, was the go to platform for designing interactive and non-interactive content in Website Design projects.  However times are changing and Inertial Zen Designs tries to avoid using Flash as much as possible, choosing to favour elements of HTML 5 and CSS 3 instead.

As a potential client with Inertial Zen Designs, you may be wondering why this is the case, and as such please allow us to present our top 5 reasons as to why Inertial Zen Designs prefers to not use this platform.

1.Flash Platform Security issues
In March of 2013, Apple took the step to block older versions of Adobe Flash on computers running OSX citing security risks. Part of this is due to Malware that can spoof Flash upgrade requests.  Where this can work against you and your Website is that customers can actually think that the problems from other site's malware may be caused by the Flash content on your Website.

2. Flash works against your Site's ability to be Optimized for Search Engines
Lets face it, one of the most important details you want for your Company's Website is to have it come up at the top of Google/Bing's search results.  Flash works against you in this aspect as the Spiders that index the World Wide Web can not read Flash, so the more content you have embedded in the Flash wrapper the less content is working in your favour when it comes to indexing.

3. Future Updating of your Website
Lets say you decide to change one colour in the logo of your Company's website and you want that colour to flow through your existing Website.  With a CSS /HTML Website this change is actually fairly easy to do,usually through the change of one Hexadecimal colour code.  With a site coded in Flash, the entire site has to be re-rendered, every page has to be taken into software and physically have the changes made in every spot that requires the change.

4. Half the Mobile Market does not support Flash
In the mobile computing world, there is a constant back and forth shift between which platform dominates between Apple's iOS and Google's Android Platforms.  One of the selling points Google has positioned their platform on is that Android supports Flash, However Apple does not, and with more users going to Mobile Computing solutions, do you really want to risk alienating half of your potential audience due to lack of processing of content?

5.Adobe themselves is Killing Flash (so far at least on Mobile sites)
Lets face it, how much do you want to back a fighter when it's own cornermen have thrown in the Towel? That specifically is what Adobe did last November when they announced that, at least on Mobile Platforms, they would no longer be developing new versions of Flash Player, the exception to this being security upgrades.

But as covered in Point 4, half of the Mobile Computing Market does not support Flash anyway.  On Desktop systems, Google has moved forward with their own installed Flash plugin called "Pepper flash", however that is but one browser and the question has to be asked just how much longer the global market will continue to support Adobe's animation tool when even sites like Youtube are moving in the HTML5 direction.

And that is Five reasons why Inertial Zen Designs tends to design Website projects without Flash elements when ever possible


Google was Down for 5 Minutes, Did losing your "in the Cloud Drive" effect you?

Recently, its was announced that on Friday Aug 16th, Google had a 50-70% error in requests sent to their servers. This included Google Mail, Google Plus and their Google Docs and Drive Cloud based services.

In an article pertaining to the outage on Forbes, author Tim Worstall poised the rather interesting question of

"…Should we actually expect Google's systems to run perfectly all the time anyway? How much downtime should we accept as just being part and parcel of the way the world works?"

As the computing world continually suggests that we move towards a Cloud based computing model, the question that Mr. Worstall poses in his article are rather sound.  Sure, in this case it was a Five minute outage of Google's services, but just what does happen if Google, or any other Cloud based company, has a Major and expended outage.  What back up plans will your Company, or you personally, can you rely on in this situation.

truly something to consider, if 5 minutes without Google dropped 40% of Internet traffic, what happens if it's 5 hours? 5 Days? or even 5 Weeks?


Why Can't the Computer/Gaming/Mobile World of Users be "Friends" ?

Last Monday (Aug 19th) an article came across my radar on Cnet titled

Android or Apple? How about agnostic?

To basically sum up the article, the Author was attempting to address another published article stating that "Half of top iPad apps either unavailable or not optimized on Android", and how this detail does not play as a factor when he choses his devices.

This article, and it's almost predictable "Us-vs-Them" battle of platform supporters in the comments,  actually lead me to a very deep pondering question.

The Human Species likes to considering ourselves individuals, in fact we have the capacity to make choices in everything, from how we eat to what shows we watch on TV, to how we dress and ESPECIALLY to what works for each of us Technology wise.  So if Individual choice is such a fundamental right to us Humans, why is it that day in and day out we see people ready to linch up other people because they prefer iOS over Android, Windows over Mac, Xbox over Playstation (or any of the I'm sure thousands of examples that could be plugged in here…like Coke or Pepsi) ?

As a Web Designer, I actually have to look at this debate from a completely different view point.  The content that I create for my clients needs to be able to reach EVERYONE, and that means that it does not matter if the person accessing that content is using Windows 95 or Windows 8. Android (any of it's flavours) or one of the last 2 to 3 supported versions of iOS, they expect this content to display for them properly.  And while, in my personal life, I do prefer Apple products, as I do a lot of graphics and audio work (area's that Apple has supported quite well over the years), I have found myself actually recommending to friends to go with a Windows machine if they are into PC Gaming or just looking for something they can word process and surf the Internet on. same goes for Mobile Phones as well.

Why do suggestions like this actually happen when asked my opinion, that is simple, because the first question asked to them before an opinion is offered is "What do you need it to do for you?" Maybe, just maybe that is something we all need to ask before jumping in to try to sway someone to our personal way of computing.


How Website Design can be put to use in your local office / business Environment

Usually, when the concept of Website Design is brought up, it has to do with a Site that ends up being deployed on the Internet, and accessed from any Computer / Tablet or Web Enabled device, but what many may not consider is the use of using the elements of Website Design for an internally networked (intranet) access point for consumers.

If you think about it, Website Design can actually work benefits for places like Shopping Malls, Airports and Office buildings.  Imagine the use of technology, like the DISPLAX Multitouch screen, being used to create navigational screens.

How would a screen like this actually work better than the current static, backlit screens that we see in modern times? Well lets take a Mall map, like the one on top in the images below.

Sure it shows you where you are in the Mall, and it shows you where the desired store is, but what it does not show you is what the store looks like, so you know what to look for when you reach that area.  Now look at the mockup on the bottom.  Not only are you able to see where you are located, but with a popup window, that comes up off a link, the Shopper can now see the very story they are looking for, so when they reach that area of the Mall they know the store they are looking for.  Something to consider for your business.

Images and the Web Designer's Tool Kit

To the untrained, it may seem one of the major aspects of a Web Technologist's work is put in with the coding languages of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. However, one area that many tend to overlook is the need to edit Images for Content.

Now it should actually be pointed out that by "Edited for Content" a Web Designer does not actually mean editing in much the same way that you would see a Movie edited for a Television Broadcast, although there are times when every once in a while a potentially offending detail needs to be be removed from an image.  A Web Designer actually spends more time editing in order to fit a scaled image into a Web Site while at the same time reducing the image's DPI (Dots Per Inch, or the number of pixels of colour found in an area of an image).  Reducing an images DPI is actually done to allow the image to load faster as the Web Browser downloads the content to the User's screen.

These edits can be handled through many different pieces of software depending on if your Web Designer works on an Apple Mac or Microsoft Windows PC, and can range from the top of the line industry standard Adobe Photoshop to lesser priced (and even in some cases free_ programs like G.I.M.P (The GNU Image Manipulation Program) and Paint.NET.

You may ask just why such edits are important, and the fact is, edits, like reducing the DPI of an image, speed up the time it takes for the User to receive their requested information on your Company's Website, a detail that in this modern age could result in either a Sale or a Lost Customer in the matter of 3 seconds time.


Breaking with the Standard Material for an Entry

I would like to take the time to break from Our standard topic base, in order to Wish a good friend of mine, Ashley Fetters, the best of luck as she departs today to participate in the Miss Canada Globe Petite 2013 Pageant

Part of Ashley's platform for the Pageant includes support for the wonderful Charitable Organization March of Dimes Canada, and the eradication efforts of the Polio Virus worldwide. Polio Awareness and Eradication efforts are something near to myself as I have lived with the effects of this Virus personally for over 30 years

The Finals will take play Aug 26th in Toronto Ontario. If you wish to learn more about Ashley and the Miss Canada Globe Petite Pageant, please go to her Facebook page at


Good Luck Ashley, I'll be rooting for you all the way.


The Benefits of the KISS Principle when it comes to Web Design

"Simplicity is the last step of art"--Bruce Lee

This quote, by Legendary Martial Artist and Actor Bruce Lee, in many ways also applies to your Company's Website. Much like a fine piece of Art, a well designed Website can bring out a pleasurable response from your Customers as they navigate the site.

So how does one go about designing a Website that delivers it's content while at the same time allowing the user the ability to access all information available to them? The answer is through navigation and layout.

No matter what the content of your Website may be, it's best to have a easily accessible collection of major links through out the Site.  Once a user reaches an area, make sure they know where they are located and the path they took to get there. This can be as simple as a set of links on the current page, much like the example below


  Home > Page 1 > Page 2 > Current Page

Having, what is basically a mini mapping of The user's location allows the user the ability to get back, 1, 2 or even all the way back to the main page without having to dig their way through links or using their back button.  This allows the navigation of the site to apply the "Keep it Simple, Stupid" Principle and as such makes for an easier and more pleasurable, directly accessible collection of information for your Website.


Trying to explain Website Design to a non-Programming Client

Web design comes with it's own languages, as Designers need to understand things like HTML, PHP, CSS, Flash (although this is being relied on less as HTML5 creates ways to do what Flash used to) and Javascript. However, Clients are coming to a Designer, because they expect us to already have the understanding of the languages.

what the client wants is to be able to feel confident in the Designer's ability to take their expressed vision and turn it into something visible on the screen.

This is where it comes in handy for a Web Designer to be able to bring elements of both a Draftsman and an artist to the table.  Be it on paper or using a drawing program on a tablet, it is very wise for a Designer to bring to a client meeting a working template of a Web Browser screen, much like this one

Basic Web Browser Template Image
With this tool, you can take the design ideas of the client, and mock up a possible design layout, while discussing the ideas real time.  This allows you, the designer, to have a visual idea of what the client would like when you go back to actually wireframe the site.   It also allows for the Client to be able to confirm that you, as the designer, are on the same page as the vision they have.


How NOT to make a good impression using Social Media

Following up on the blog post from two days ago, I thought I would share with you readers how not to use a blog post and some of the fallout it can cause.

Yesterday, a user on Google Plus, whom most other users consider a Troll and a source of spam posted up a link to the following "News" story (written by himself, and either posted by a secondary account or via a friend's account, a specific link to the User's blog has not been posted due to my not wishing to add to his click numbers with this piece of Click Bait)

Upon, with my personal account, coming across this post I read the "article" and commented the following

"Seriously if you are going to post up an article claiming something at least make it believable, something like, oh I dont know Statistics from EB Games, Amazon and Best Buy supporting a drop in pre-orders after the Kinect 2 announcement might help...other wise we're looking at Lies, Trolling and flat out Bull S**T"

The result of this was for one of the original poster's "buddies" to respond with 

"...holy wow way to get defensive peter griffin look alike.....#fatboywannacracker"

Simply because it was suggested that if they were going to post up something, link some proof about what you are posting.  Why is this important to your business? The answer to this is very simple.  My comment in this modern age could have come from any user online and the way this "News Blogger" and his "Friends" responded to said comment in fact show how to very quickly drive users away from accessing your Blog or Website for information, and lets face facts here if your Blog or Website is supposed to make you money through advertising on the site, alienating the readership is going to have a negative effect on your bottom line.


Embedding Audio and Video into a Webpage viewable anywhere and without it being a distraction

Audio and video have become a very important and expected aspect of many Websites, but in the past these features have created many problems for the end user of a Web Interface. From Auto playing files to format conflicts, your end user can run into many small annoyances that actually build towards the decision to not continue interacting with your Site.

Issues like file formats that do not play on specific platforms is something that through HTML 5 Standards, and the use of services like Youtube, has all but been eliminated as standards like H.265 MP4 video becomes adapted by more sites.

With the audio standard of MP3, audio files can now, with ease be embedded into a Website and streamed back as well.

The main thing to make sure of when it comes to embedding these elements into Websites is that audio and video content is encoded in order to make sure that they do not auto play, as this can drive a user away from your Website faster than anything.


The Importance of Media Integrity

Back in the July 26th Blog entry I touched on the topic of Click-Bait and how it can damage the integrity of your Company's Website, Social Media Presence or Blog.  But just what is integrity and how can one concept risk the future of your company's presence in the Online world?

Merriam-Webster Describes the word as meaning the following

1: firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility
2: an unimpaired condition : soundness
3: the quality or state of being complete or undivided : completeness

and when it comes to Media and how Media reports on any topic, the most important of these above definitions is the first one, a "firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility"

Now the next thing to look at is why is a sense of incorruptibility important when getting across your Message in any Media related postings (Website, Blog, Facebook Etc.) that your company happens to make. Well to expand on this, lets look at a few situations where either upholding or ignoring your implied Integrity can result in the disillusion of the trust your company has spent long hours building with the Public.

Example 1: C-NET (A CBS Company) and Dish
Earlier this year, the annual CES (or Consumer Electronics Show) saw Tech review website C-Net over seeing the judging of products for the Best in Show Awards that are handed out each year.  Dish (Formerly Dish Network) had presented a new piece of technology called the Dish Hopper (a device that allows users to bypass Advertising in Television programming) and was Awarded with a Best in Show standing, except for one slight problem.  The technology which was showcased actually was front and center at the time in a lawsuit between Dish and C-Net's parent Company CBS.  CBS actually used their status as the owners of C-Net to force a revoking of the award due to the lawsuit.

The results of these actions actually saw Senior Editors at C-Net walk away, while the company lost their status with awarding the CES Event.  More can be read on the follow out of this at  The Verge

Example 2: Openmedia.ca
On july 16th of this year, Non-Profit agency Openmedia.ca posted up a soundbite from a Telus Mobility Vice President who, as part of a larger answer had said

"Canada really should be the most expensive country for Wireless"

The problem is, People actually caused some minor backlashed against OpenMedia.ca as there were people who felt that OpenMedia was going against the standards of fair reporting that helped them to build their readership and support base after One user posted the full statement with the quote in it's proper context.

This example can be looked at  on Facebook

The Most important thing to remember when composing content for your Social Presence, Blog or Website is that People want to believe in the integrity of what you post and if you lose that trust of your readers you lose your audience.


Treat Your Website Like its Your Physical Retail / Office Space

It is pretty common knowledge that a well laid out Office or Retail space can make or break the experience of your Professional Guest.  Take the Apple Stores for example, they are laid out in a way where everything has its own place, Staff is already ready to assist you and the store presents a clean, well lit,and everything flows from point to point.

Your Website should work in much the same way! From the landing page to the Guests being able to contact you, things should flow with an ease of use and navigation.  Take Inertial Zen Design's page for example.  The text area is easy to read, no matter the monitor or system.  Navigation is simple with one drop down menu and your current location at the top of the workspace.  The drop down menu takes things even further with a layout as follows


From there, the site is designed with a quick one click link to email (contact),the Blog that you are currently reading. and links to Social Media

by keeping the information informative, and yet simple in its explanation and deployment, customers can find what they are looking for and be on their way without feeling frustrated over having to search the entire space for content.

How does this relate to the Retail Store analogy though? That's a very good question.

Each Page in the Website actually is like working with a Department in a retail experience.  From your friendly greeter at the door (the Home Page) to your Customer Service Desk (About) to being able to work on the vision for one's site (Pre-Design), the Guest is able to come in look around (Portfolio) and even see the terms of sale (Contract) and upfront pricing (Fees) for a project should they decide to go with the services offered.

Having downloadable copies of the Fees, Pre-Design Interview and Contract, means that the Guest can pick up information to look over at their own time, compare with other service providers and even get a start envisioning what they want for their design.

By thinking of your Website's space in this manor you can quickly produce a space that is inviting and welcomes the Guest into your world, a world that can produce for you new Clients and Contacts.


The power of networking your Website

Your new business is fully operational but customers are just not arriving to your Website the way you were expecting them to, leaving you wondering just what the missing piece of the puzzle happens to be.

The answer to this is, of course, Marketing, or to be more specific the Social Networking aspect of Marketing.  Of course it is still very wise, and advisable to have your traditional forms of Marketing, print radio and television, working for you, but are you remembering your services like Twitter and Facebook?

Facebook can be a strong asset when it comes to building a client base. By searching out local groups that allow small businesses to share their Business' Facebook page a small business owner can actually create a web of online contacts who can pass along your Name should any of their clients require services that your business provides.

Twitter, through the unique nature of how one posts has become the media darling of New Media. Never hesitate to store a series of hash tag search enquiries, and run them on a regular basis-answering the questions on topics your business has knowledge in.  By doing this AND keeping your profile updated with links to your Facebook and Website, users can start suggesting you to their friends, potentially bringing more business to your Business.


Is Moving Everything To the Cloud Really A Wise Move?

Now a days, the buzz word in software and storage is "The Cloud", or Cloud Computing, and how it makes things easier for the end user because all of your Documents, Files and Applications are stored online in a huge database accessible from anywhere on any device.  That's the theory that We as a society are expected to believe. But is Cloud Computing really all that it promises itself to be?

Companies have started to bank fully on the idea of Cloud Computing. Adobe has just moved all of its designs software to a subscription service called "Creative Cloud" Microsoft Office now offers their own subscription service called "Office 360" and Google themselves believe that the answer is to turn their Chrome Browser into a full Operating system where all your applications are accessed from the Internet via a "Always On" Network connected device.

And what happens, if you happen to question the logic presented of the benefits of a Always On, Always Accessible Cloud based world? You get looked at like you're the fictional character of Abe Simpson from the Simpsons as depicted in this image, told to get with the times and that The Cloud is the "Wave of the Future"

But is it really? Picture the following situation, Your Company has a tight deadline on a project that if you do not manage to meet can cost you Hundreds, or even Thousands, in profit, and damage the status of your Company as a reliable firm who always delivers. Your Office and Design software has moved to the Cloud and your Client NEEDS this project launched by a specific day. Suddenly the City has a Major power outage, Cellular Towers and Internet Connections are all down, or worse, like what happened once at a Job I was on where all systems used were ran through Internet Connections INCLUDING PHONE LINES, and the service provider lost Internet rendering an office of 300 unable to do anything but get paid for sitting and waiting for a return of services.

With Locally stored programs, a business can still continue to work on projects through the use of External Battery packs and Laptops with stand alone battery systems but in the Cloud based world, much like my fellow 299 other co workers that fateful day, your company could be left sitting around unable to finish a project one time.

Something to consider before believing that the Cloud is the solution, don't you think?


Accountability and Security of Your Business' Social Network Posts

Social Networks can be a true value conscious way to get word about your Business, Event or Service to the world as they have very little overhead and reach a potentially large base of clients.  But how does a business go about making sure that their Social Network presentation truly represents the Company and stays in the Company Mandate while at the same time keeping things secure? Today we offer up some tips to help securely manage your Social Networking paths.

1. Manage your team:
This sounds like it should be simple enough, but can quickly spiral out of control. It is wise, if you are a small business, to either assign one person to manage the Social Networking, or failing that limit it to a team of no more than six people, with a dedicated change of command (IE having a Manager of Social Networking, Assistant Manager of Social Networking etc.)  After setting up your team, decide if all Social Networking is to be done from one community terminal or if any member of the team can access from their respective workstations, this will become understandable as to why as we move along to further point.

It is always wise to have team members actually sign their posts when possible , example of this would be at the end of the post just have the team member type something like [John] or --Smith, This brings accountability to the posts as if Customers have any problem with a posting you can review specifically who posted it.

2. Security Features:
No Company ever wants to be at risk of having to release the memo "We Were Hacked" or "That is not an authorized post on our Facebook/Twitter/Google Plus feed"  and one of the best ways to go about this is to actually use features these services already have available to you

If you go to the options menu (cog shaped icon) on facebook, you can bring up account settings. from there click on the word security and you should be met with a screen like this one

Facebook Security Screen

This screen actually is your best friend in trying to keep people out of your account, notice the second entry "Login Notifications" , This is a HIGHLY IMPORTANT feature to pay attention to as this will tell you when, where and what browser is being used to log in to Facebook.  What this means is that if you have a team of 6, 4 are in the office and 2 are out of town on business, then you should be able to tell fairly quickly if it is indeed your team logging into Facebook and when as a Email and/or text message is sent back to the email account that you set up Facebook with

The first thing I would suggest with Twitter, is pick one team member to manage your twitter feed.  This is due to the 140 Character nature of Twitter's service not always allowing space to sign a post.

The next thing to do is to dive into your settings menu, where details like being able through features like "Protect my Tweets", "Tweet Location" and "Login Verification" via SMS can secure your content by giving you control over who sees your tweets, knowing where they were sent from and in the case of Login Verification require a security code to be entered form a text message in order to access the account.

Moving down to the "Email Notifications" section will allow for a better management of your account, as you can get email messages on a large array of information, from when Tweets are marked as Favourites to when you get a reply or are mention in a tweet

Google Plus:
In Google Plus, to access things you need to click the arrow besides your profile picture at the top of the page, select account and then click on Security.  Here is it wise to set up Recovery options, Notifications (such as an second email address and a mobile number to accept alerts where you can get validation sent in the event of account issues).  2-Step Verification allows you to set up logins so that in order to log in from a device you need to actually enter your email address, password AND then a code sent to your mobile device.  This works best if you have a page being managed by one person only.


3: Strong Passwords
For years it has been stressed just how important the Strength of a login Password is.  We are told to very things up, no less then 8 characters, 12 to 16 being even better, Include small caps, large caps and numbers, do not use common words and NEVER use dates or names of your family for the password.  And all of that is still true and valid, but one thing Companies may end up forgetting about is what if someone on your Social Network leaves the team (more potentially a problem if they are terminated for wrongful acts).

The best practice in this case, is to make sure that every time someone leaves the team, be it through transfer to a different department, retirement, termination or quitting, change the password!  By doing this, your Company's Social Network passwords are only known by the people currently managing your Company's profiles, and you have a small base of people to look into should something be compromised .

This of course only scratches the surface of Social Network Security practices, but if you start by employing the tips above, you are on the right path to securing your Social Network Presence.


Does the Internet have space for another Social Network?

Over the years, the Internet has seen the rise and fall of many a Social Network. It seems that, aside from the recognized leader in Social Networks- Facebook, there are now Social Networks popping up all the time, and for different reasons.

We have Networks like Google Plus, which focuses more to the Tech Savvy users, LinkedIn, designed to allow for professional networking and even a revival of MySpace, who would like to be the Social Network for Musicians.  A couple years ago Apple attempted to create one called Ping, which focused on the social experience of loving Music. Even Yahoo dabbled in this concept with their retired Yahoo 360 service.

The latest to join into this area is a service called RippLn. RippLn, according to their Website, is the "active state of a ripple" and "a new app that is powered by enabling technology which is set to make waves around the world.".  Their website also claims that Rippln "brings long-overdue transparency to the social engagement business and has created a new monetary model for 'eyeball acquisition"

Basically, from the sounds of things, what Rippln appears to be trying to set up is a Social Network that Pays the user for using it, the more you promote and use sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, the most Rippln claims a user can earn money. But with advertising, like the one in the image below, is that message reaching the audience this new player in the Social Network Market trying to capture.  Right now Rippln is being prepared in a "By invite only" format. The questions to be answers, however, do you readers believe something like this is viable and does the Internet have space for another unique Social Network, this time one that survives on the strengths of the existing ones?

More info on Rippln can be found at their Website http://rippnetwork.com/

Leave your thoughts and comments below


Trying to Design for Touch Screen and Mouse Access

Modern Internet Access has reached a rather interesting point when it comes to Us Designers and how we Design a site for access.

For many years, the Web had been accessed from Computers (Windows, Mac and to a less extent Linux) with Browser Software (Microsoft's Internet Explorer, and Netscape in the early days leading up to the Safari, Opera, and Chrome market we have in modern times).

But a more important shift started to take place with the launch of Apple's iPhone device in 2007.  The Mouse and Keyboard model we have all been accustomed to over the years got a new competitor, Our Index Finger!

With this change, Websites had to be rethought, for a cursor of the Mouse can be far more specific on a click than the pad of a Finger.  Evolution has also seen changes in screen size that have to be taken into account with designs.  While most Computer users had anywhere from a 13 to 19 inch Monitor, their mouse cursor was still scaled in relation to the screen.

With Touchscreen Technology, a user can now access the Internet on screens ranging from 3 1/2 inches on Smartphones up to 10 inches (currently) on tablets, not to forget the trend in Touch Screens on Laptop and Desktop computers.

And while features like "Pinch To Zoom" can help the end user improve their target area, as a Designer or a Content Provider, this is just another reason to keep cognitive of how your site is being designed.


Java and Javascript are not one in the same

By their names, the concept of Java and Javascript being one in the same is a very straight forward and easy mistake to make. While they both share aspects in the way they are written and Syntax coded, they actually come from different backgrounds and are deployed in different ways.

Java, created by Sun Microsystems (Now Oracle)  can be designed to be a stand alone programming language, and actually is a core element in the coding of the Android Operating System.  It is based on what is known as a Object Oriented Programming language, and the results of coding are referred to as "Standalone Applications".  Java is also a Machine Language, which means that prior to being ran it has to be compiled.

JavaScript, on the other hand, was created by the Web Browser company Netscape (now part of the AOL  which was spun off as its own company following a failed merger with Time Warner Communications) and actually is written in basic Text (any text editor can be used to write JavaScript code so long as the file extension is .JS).  the information in the .JS file is then linked into the HTML code and called upon by the browser, compiling at the time of deployment.  Many consider JavaScript a distant cousin to Java.

Due to security issues in the Java environment and the constant possibility of Java Crashes, the programming language has been falling out of favour with many, including the US Department of Homeland Security who have classified Java as an exploitable risk accessible to Hackers.  This of course causes problems for Web Developers as many end users of computers can get confused and disable JavaScript when warned to disable Java.  Disabling JavaScript can result in some some websites being unable to display features like image float over zooming and pop up windows, some of which can instead be coded using CSS, thus allowing content to still be seen even if the user has disabled Java, JavaScript or Both.


As a Content Provider, Pop-up Scripts are NOT Your Friend

Lets face it, spend any time online and you are bound to come across a Website popping up one of these screens when you realize that the Website is not what you are looking for.

While Websites put this type of pop up on their site with the intention of getting the consumer to reconsider the option of staying around and exploring the Site, the opposite actually tends to happen.  Users end up getting annoyed at something that steals focus and delays their return to search results that could produce the actual information they are researching.

This annoyance does not sit well for future visitors to your Website, for People quickly start to advise their friends to not visit your site, or worse yet they consider your Site to be a producer of malware and will report your domain as such to Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware sites.

Being reported in this manor can actually see your placement on Search Engines go down, and warnings put in place advising new Consumers that your Site has been flagged.  Now think about that, from the user's perspective and your's as well.

 If no one clicks to your Website to get information your Website goes from being a productive part of your advertising presence to actually being a liability for the Company, after all do you think Customers will enter into your physical store front if it looks like your online presence produces questionable content?


Why CSS should be linked to instead of written in your HTML file

CSS (or cascading style sheets) are the core of modern Web layout, they allow a page to have everything from font size to line spacing to even picture details configured depending on where the content sits on a Web Page respectively.

Many designers in the past have had a practice of placing the style protocols inside the HTML document, and while this is very much acceptable there is sound reason as to why it should be avoided.

On a basic Web Design project, where a Designer or the Web Master who manages the Site, may find it of little issue going in to each Page of a Site to adjust details like background color (coded usually to read #000000 which is Black for example).  But what happens when faced with a much larger Site and your company needs to change the colors due to a new image, or even a merger?

With the practice of a linked CSS file, a Site Manager only has to work with one file and changing one entry in order to deploy an update to multiple pages.  The result being less stress in meeting deadline and less cost to maintain the image of your Site


What are Web Design Standards and why are they important to designing a Site?

Web Design Standards, if you or your company have ever worked with a Web Designer, you most likely have faced the conversation about what they are are why they are important to your Project's design.

So, just what are they and who created these standards in the first place? Well to answer those two questions lets look at the second question first.

Who created Web Standards ?

Web Standards were created and are overseen by a group called the World Wide Web Consortium (or W3C for short).  The W3C routinely look over the ever developing code and browser development market, choosing what is officially supported in HTML and CSS language based on if 2 out of 3 of the major Browser Platforms support and display the code in a specific way.  The full explanation of the technologies that W3C have oversight on can be found at this link


What are Web Standards and why are they important to a design?

Think of Web Standards much like you would creating programming for Televisions. Your end user could be using a Samsung, LG, Panasonic or any other brand name or off brand name Television to access your programming, as a Designer, or Content provider you want everybody who does access your content to see it the same way, which brings up to the main point about Standards

Since a image file is posted up using the same code on the back end of a Web Site, it no longer matters if your consumer is accessing things via Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS or any other platform, thanks to your site being coded and validated to meet the current standards it SHOULD look the same everywhere (unless being accessed on Microsoft's Internet Explorer, which for the longest time did not support the recommended standards that Firefox, Chrome and predecessors like Netscape supported)