
What is Search Engine Optimization and why is it important anyway?

Search Engine Optimization is the practice of using the most commonly used words keyed into a search engine in order to return high ranking results for your Web Site in order to produce traffic to your Site.

From the Technical side, Optimizing a Web Site involves using details like Title Tags in order to identify the topic of any given page of a website, for example if you were searching for pages on Hockey and typed the term into google a site like whoscored.com could return high on the list if the title tags for the page said "Only the best goals from the world of hockey"

The next thing that the search engine would look at is what is known as Meta Data, meta data is the Description of the content the Web Site covers.  The description in these tags can be used by the search engine in order to create a summary write up or snippet of the Web Site when displayed in the returned results.

Important details when it comes to writing the names for each Page in a Web Site also comes into play as a page's name becomes part of the Uniform Resource Locator or URL of the Web Site and as such, using our example for whosscored.com the odds are that a quicker return will be reached by having a page address being


than what would return by the address reading


Between using the proper tagging for pages, knowing other words that people could use to search (Example Knee Brace could also be searched as Knee Orthopedic or even ACL Brace) allows the customer better chances of your Website being the top of the results especially if details like location are factored into these tags

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