A while ago the WWE started putting out official pages for their talent on both Facebook and Twitter. At first this sounded like a great Idea, for as a Fan I could follow up on The Undertaker of AJ Lee and see specifically what is happening in their part of the Sports Entertainment world. In theory this sounds like a great idea, in practice it fell short quicker than a malfunctioning Firework!
You see the WWE made a major error in how they manage these pages, instead of the material being unique to each page, they used a "Copy and Paste" protocol that resulted in every page producing the same content word for word.
This problem is not just a WWE issue, for I also belong to a fan group for the musician Prince on Facebook and at least once a week I found myself having to hide a post from one specific member of the group who was using Hootsuite to cross post the same message to multiple services and groups, the result being a post that many times had nothing to do with the subject matter of the group I am part of.
As a content provider, or even a Web Designer, the above two examples are something that really should be learned from and avoided at all costs, as, much like myself, many users can end up deciding to discontinue following your content because it does not feel real, instead feeling like replicated bot postings. This is why its wise to never consider blanket posting as a quick solution to your promotional posts.
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