
Designing Websites to display on Video Game Systems, Set Top Boxes and why your site should be

There was a time when it was given that if a person was accessing the World Wide Web, they were going to be using either a Mac or PC computer.  Times have, however, very much changed.  Mobile access through devices like Smartphones and Tablets have taken off.

But what about the forgotten potential market, the Set top Box and Video Game Systems? at the time of writing this, existing systems on the market with Web Access broke down as follows

Roku: 5 Million 
Apple TV: 13 Million 
     Playstation 3: 75 Million
  Xbox 360: 77.2 Million
Nintendo Wii:99.84 Million 
                 Nintendo Wii U: 3.45 Million

and while the numbers were not available for the newly released Ouya system (which runs Android), Microsoft's Xbox One and Sony's Playstation 4, there is a potential of another 140 Million + Web enabled systems coming online in the next few years.

The Fact is access to the World Wide Web, is no longer simply a Mac and PC World, as a content provider, looking to get your information to the public it may be time to ask yourself if your Website is ready

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