
The Grid and their promise of "Artificial Intelligence" Web Design

(Let Me preface by saying details in this entry are linked to sources and much of this blog are my own thoughts, concerns and opinion )

It’s made headlines with tech crunch, been championed on Twitter and seems to be the talk of the Technology community lately. What is it? A new service called The Grid, which is set to launch in Late Spring 2015.

The premises of the service, currently being offered at a pre-launch price of $96 USD a year (discounted from the $300 USD cost once launched) is the promise of Artificial Intelligence based Web Design. The claim being that all a user has to do is input their Copy and images and the Grid’s engine will crop photos, generate correct SEO protocols and format code to create you’re Website. The more info you feed it the more it tunes your Website, at least that is what is promised.

Being curious about things, after a story crossed my radar in the News 360 app, I started to look into what the company is promising and the possibility of this working.

The thing is though, and keep in mind here everything I state in this entry is simply My opinion on things, I’m left with some serious misgivings and doubts about things.

The first things that happened to instantly be a concern for Me is that the service does not have anything that a potential end user could inspect to be more comfortable with their promised offering, the only example of the results of their design engine’s results is their company website.  No demo version, no proof of execution video where the user can see copy being inputted into the engine and code generated output being produced, nothing!

Next, there are the details like the company promoting that sites would be held in Cloud based servers, which then brings up the question of just how secure the information would be for me.

Things cascade even into more concerns as I notice that the “AI” Interface they are selling this service on is optional and can be turned off if the user has their own knowledge of Web Design code. This brings up the question of “If it’s optional, why would I pay X amount of money a year when I could use a free service like Wix.com ?”

Questions for Myself continued along as I found Myself thinking “Well what about using PHP? Javascript? Python? Ruby?” and “Will the AI Engine allow for personal changes, or is a user looking at this thing going ‘I’m sorry Dave, I can’t let you do that’?”

There is also the detail that every User’s content is housed on the service Github (Wikipedia Entry), which is a popular source for the sharing of code based projects. does this mean any context for a user’s project with The Grid potentially is only as secure as the policies Github outlines here?

Having looked over theTerms of Service and (Privacy Policies Privacy Policy) of The Grid’s website, even more things started to concern me, like I do not see anything that protects the user in regards to an arbitrary removal of their data, as The Grid can terminate an account at their discretion, upon that termination it is said that your data is instantly removed from the servers.

Termination can also be triggered through things like the, in my opinion, vaguely worded references to “Excessively frequent requests to the Grid via the API” in their documentation.

Throw in the details that users have to waive their legal rights towards recovery of fees and damages by a third party, grant The Grid a all encompassing license to allow the use of derivative performance and promotion of the user’s content without the user receiving any royalties of content that The Grid says the user still owns and there being a zero refund policy even though the company is promoting a get your subscription fee credited for referring three additional users policy and in my opinion this service falls under too good to be true.

Oh and Bandwidth usage that is considered “significantly exceeds” could also see one’s account terminated, but that begs the question of what is meant by “significantly exceeds”?

Could this service be of use, possible, but to whom might be a tough sell in my opinion.


Using a Website to promote Media events

Using a Website to promote an event can actually be a very effective tool, throwing in Social Media can actually make it double effective.  For example, lets use a small independent movie.

Breaking down the Movie here are elements that can be used to help promote it's debut

-The Plot: Every movie, good or bad, has a Plot, there is a premise of why principle characters are doing what they are set out to to through the course of the film.  The proper application of this can create curiosity over just what content will be showcased when a Website goes live.

-The Characters: These work well in developing the curiosity of a Website, leaving little hints about some of the personalities again tends to have the chance of sparking your audience's interest.

-Location: just where is the movie set, what elements of that city can be used to establish interest in the plot.

So, with these details taken down, what would the next step be for a production company as they sit down with a Designer? That's actually a pretty good question and one that starts out with the selection of one of the more cryptic and curious personalities.  Recording a video related to that character's plot can then be posted up in an viral broadcast linking to the website for additional information.

Once the user ends up on the Website, that is where the promotional magic can begin. Mailing lists and digital scavenger hunts, using successfully crafted hidden links will allow the user to interact with their online environment, creating an investment on the end user's part.

Promoting a project like this yourself? As you do, it might be best to keep the concept of your project's Website in mind along the way, and try to find a Designer who can bring your concept to life.  


What are those YAHOO'S thinking?

Like so many other Apple users, I updated My operating system to OS X Yosemite this past week and while slow servers lead to it taking the better part of a week to download the install file, that is not what this entry is about.

Whenever a company issues a new operating system for their hardware there is always the chance of older programs no longer working with the new version.  This is why there is a extensive testing period and pre-release beta versions of Operating Systems released giving companies the window to update their code and have a new version of their App ready to go on or around the time of the launch.

At least that is how MOST companies look at things, but clearly not YAHOO! You see when OS X Yosemite released one would figure that Yahoo would have made sure to have updated their Messenger App to support it.


With over 80 Applications on My system at the time of upgrading the Operating system, only one ended up not working post update...Yahoo Messenger. A search on Google very quickly found that I was not the only one with this problem as both Apple and Yahoo Forms, as well as ones on sites like mac rumours all are posting the same thing. Yahoo users who no longer can use Messenger.

And upon looking further including finding this link to Yahoo's Messenger help page, Yahoo appears to have no intent to update it, in fact the exact wording on this page is as follows

MAC OS X 10.10 Yosemite and later: Yahoo 

Messenger is not compatible

To continue delivering a safe, secure, and stable Yahoo Messenger for Mac, Yahoo Messenger won’t be supported on versions newer than Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks.

You can still access Yahoo Messenger

You'll still be able to access, view, and send IMs using our Messenger in Mail interface.

Yes, you read that right, Yahoo is playing the "We want to keep people safe and secure" card to justify NOT updating their App. The problem is this decision on Apple's part actually puts their Users data in danger. I have seen people suggest work arounds like changing the build number in the info file of the App (for Windows users think having to do a Registry Edit just to get it to work). Others are suggesting using programs like Trillian (which have users concerned because it stores their Yahoo Password in their servers) or using Apple's Messages app-which gives the user IM's but has reports of lacking the ability to use Voice or Web Cam Services.

Yosemite was announced to the public by Apple at this past June's WWDC Event, it went through 6 or 7 Beta versions before the final release was rolled out to the masses. that means Yahoo had a good 5 months where they could have worked with Apple's developers to ensure that a compatible, stable, working first person client which looked out for Users security was accessible to the masses, instead those YAHOO's did nothing and look where we now are. 
On behalf of Mac running Yahoo users, thanks for looking out for us Yahoo...care to protect the iOS versions next?


This blog is not the only way to keep up with Inertial Zen Designs

Inertial Zen Designs does not always just post to this blog, we're actually on the following Social Media Outlets as well

Google Plus



So do stop by and feel free to say hello


The Great Website Debacle

As many of you whom follow Inertial Zen Designs most likely know, things around the office lately have been fairly busy as our Website underwent some redesign work.

In the course of a week, copy was rewritten to improve Search Engine Optimization. Elements reworked to allow for responsive design that makes the code look good and improve mobile consumption was also completed. All of this was done to create a better user experience.

However if you happened to point your browser towards the website on Monday and into Tuesday, you might have noticed that something was missing.

The Website itself was gone.

Now this little detail has not escaped Me and I am currently in a waiting game that is caused by a lack of standards.

You see, My website address is registered with a domain company, My files stored with another company who does the hosting. A move that was done as a security measure.  The problem though is how the domain company was requesting and displaying the files from the hosting server. The result, some features were  not working correctly.

To combat this, changes were made in how one calls for the other. Those changes though have to repopulate over the World wide web, and that can take days as no two connection points update their databases at the same time windows. some taking minutes, some multiple days

And that is why Inertial Zen Designs Website has been unavailable. Sorry for any inconvenience.  


Smart Watches: The Over Priced Accessory

After watching the September 9th announcement from Apple, and focusing on their entry into the Smartwatch market, I actually found myself having a few thoughts on the matter, and keep in mind this is going to be covering what I consider a issue with Smart Watches in general, not just Android or Apple related devices.

The primary issue is Price. For this blog lets look at three models, the Motorola  Moto 360, Samsung Gear Watch and Apple's Watch. Prices for each of these devices, which are, as advertised, accessories and priced as follows (based on MSRP)

Moto 360 ........................ $249.99
Samsung Gear ................ $329.99
Apple Watch ...................$349.99

Some may at this point be saying "so where's the problem, the prices seem reasonable to Me" and if these were stand alone devices there would be no issue what so ever. However these three examples are all classified as Accessories.

  1. 1.
    a thing that can be added to something else in order to make it more useful, versatile, or attractive.

That's right they are add ons to make a user's mobile device more useful, versatile or attractive.  Each of these devices serve a function of being a go between access point for a Smartphone user. They enhance the use of something, in this case the Phone.

Now using the iPhone for example lets look at this in two situations. First lets say the User decides on wanting the iPhone 5s.  

Depending on the configuation the use picks this option off contract is a $640 minimal cost, and a maximum cost of $700 without a contract.  With a contract that phone goes down to $100, that means that if  you buy the phone straight out, the cost of the Accessory is half that of the phone, but if you pick it up on a 2 year contract, you end up paying three and a half times the cost of the phone's upfront cost just to have a interface which allows you to not take the phone out of the pocket to check details.

With the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus this becomes even more interesting. The breakdown on full price purchase of the Phones are as follows 

                         iPhone 6               iPhone 6 Plus
 16 GB              $ 749.00               $    859.00
 64 GB              $ 859.00               $    969.00
128 GB             $ 969.00               $ 1,079.00

then add the $349 Accessory to things, it can add up quite quickly.

and the same can be said for the contracted prices on these devices.  Now I'll admit I actually like the idea of the Apple Watch. it has plenty of aspects where I could find it convenient.  As I live with a disability the idea of being able to just look at a wrist mounted display could in many ways make life easier when on the go, however and again this is just my opinion, these watches should have been priced in a range of about $60-$125.

After all, the are not a stand alone device, they are what they are marketed as, an Accessory.

Have any thoughts on this, I invite you to leave comments  


Where do you keep your Pencil?

A great design starts with a single simple item, A Pencil.  From the artist who takes the time to sketch that perfect image to their eyes, to the person creating a navigational map, to an  architect designing the next great skyscraper there is one thing in common, in their hand is a simple pencil.

That concept holds true for Web Design as well. A Web page, at its base level is really just the digital answer to a pencil applied to the canvas of the imagination.

Images are placed with text wrapping their way around them, creating a welcoming gateway for the use. From that gateway a path is mapped  that takes the the user through rooms of information.

Each page, its own digital room, guides yours guest through a collection of information that You believe showcases the value of what You represent. Along the way your guest is given the options to embrace knowledge, see the benefits of your vision and be embraced into Your vision of a better future.

Yet with all the code written, all the time spent in software like Photoshop, the testing to see how things look on any possible screen one can imagine, a Website is still at it`s core a piece of art.

Art that tells a story, Art that informs and envisions, but at its core, no matter the lines of code and pixels of graphics, still Art.

A passionate Web Designer understand this, they are tasked to take the vision presented to them and create something that speaks to those who see it

Web Designers are, at our hearts, Artists and before We even sit down to write that first <html> protocol in Our software, many of us go back to the most basic of tools.... The Pencil.

So when selecting a Web Designer for your project, maybe the first question one should ask is

"Where do you keep your pencils?"


oh Here, Let Me Google That For You

"Let Me Google That for you" or lmgtfy.com. to some it may be considered the A-Hole move of the year, pulled by a condescending Technological "fanboy" , and depending on when it is used it very well may be.

But lets look at it another way, shall we. lmgtfy can actually be looked at with the same viewpoint as

";Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"

Google (or Bing, Yahoo, Duckduckgo and countless others) is the online version of someone fishing for something, that something is information.

Many times I have friends post to their Facebook timelines questions like "Does anyone know anything about [insert the topic here] ?" while being specific to tag Me in their post, hoping I know the answer.  Honestly though, there are many times where I actually do not know the answer and as such go to the process of highlighting their enquiry, right clicking and selecting

"Search Google for `content highlighted here` "

then return the link to the top response to the person as it usually have the information they are looking for (Truth is usually if your answer is not on the first page of results it is not correct anyway)

Now do not get me wrong, I am not saying that there are times when I would flat out refuse to help someone who can not find the answer they need, but with a website like lmgtfy I hopefully can show the user that in the time they took to post up the enquiry, waiting for someone to give them the answer, they actually could have done the following

point your browser to google (Most modern browsers actually let you just search from the address bar anyway)
Enter in the search query you are interested in
research the results

Besides there is always that bit of pride one can have when they can say "Yup, I did all the research Myself and got exactly what I was looking for"

What is your opinion on this topic? Leave your comments below


Handwriting needs to continue to be taught in the digital age

While I was visiting with My family the other week, My sister-in-law actually mentioned how she had heard that there are States in the USA where it has been decided that Handwriting should be removed from the educational system in favour of teaching students how to type their notes on the screens of Technology.

With My interest on the topic peaked, I instantly turned to searching Google, and very quickly found articles that indeed show this to be true. Articles like this one.


This, of course, got Me thinking about the pros and cons of discontinuing the practice of teaching this skill. The top pro I could think of on the topic is that a clean, crisp font eliminates the major issue of trying to make out the handwriting style of every person in society.  But then looking at the cons of such a move a realization hit Me.

handwriting needs to be preserved as a tool of digital security!

Every day modern society is ending up hearing stories about credit card data can be replicated, data bases hacked into and Identity Theft happening. Handwriting, in the modern digital age becomes a strong tool in two factor authentication when doing transactions. It is the way contracts are signed. When tracking down the delivery of a package the first question asked is "who signed for it?"

Even delivery via unmanned delivery methods (think Amazon's Drone Delivery) can benefit from the addition of a digitizer screen and cellular enabled camera / transmitter which does not release the delivery until a signature is collected on delivery.

Yes, from My view, one of the worst things to remove from the educational programs of schools is the teaching of the art of handwriting, but what do you think?


Building better Websites through CAD tools

Every Website is, at its core, someone's vision. Every creator has their own vision for how they present their content to the end user and it is the job of a Web Designer to create the client's vision into a workable project for a client.

The question of just how a Designer can make sure they are seeing the same vision their client does can be one a tough one to answer.

In the past I have commented on the use of documents like a Pre-Design worksheet, but with this blog I would like to spotlight the newest tool I have added to My toolkit of Design.

Adobe Line.

Adobe's Line is a new app that runs on iOS devices, making it a portable, easy to deploy tool where I, when meeting with clients, can actually sketch out a working blueprint of the layout My client has in their vision.

Laying out ideas in this manor is actually known as storyboarding, and allows a Designer and client to make sure they are on the same page design wise.

My use of Line actually starts out with a basic wireframe being drafted. From this point, some simple questions about styles , menu layouts and general positions of elements allow for the creation of a image that can be pulled into Graphic Software, like Photoshop, where layers of colors and place holder text / images, a mock up graphic.

More information about Adobe Line can be found at the link below



Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation and a option to help protect one's business

So, along with it being Canada's 147th Birthday this July 1st, today also marks the activation of protocol and legislation that have been designed to help protect the Canadian Public from Electronically Delivered Commercial Messages (or as the legislation calls them ECM's, but to the average lay-person in short SPAM)

This new set of protocols actually places some hefty fines on the sending of email that can be considered Commercial in nature, but has been designed with aspects which are meant to keep regular email between family and friends out of hairs of being a problem.

With charges for violations ranging from $1 Million to $10 Million per violation (depending on how your business is set up) the onus has been put on the person sending the communication to prove that they have either explicit or implied consent to email the other party.

This actually brings up a rather interesting question of how does one make sure they have this consent in a way that can be proven should it ever come down to it? Online this is fairly easy as a small business can actually have their clients opt-in to a database structured system which will date the details of when and where authorization for a specific email address is given.

With face to face contact however this becomes a bit tougher to validate, as a contact can give you their business card, and later state that they did not give consent for ECM's, leaving it to the sender to prove otherwise.

So how does a small business protect themselves in this aspect? sure, if the request comes in via your Website and a Newsletter subscription system details like the Email Address, Time, Date and even a computer's Internet Address (their IP) can all be cataloged, but in person that is not quite as easy...not through Technology that is.

The answer for inertial Zen Designs is employing for this situation is that the standing policy for "First Contact" in person will be to carry a small day planner, specifically designed to allow for business cards and notes to be placed on the same planner page, with Me. 

Each page in this day planner will look like the image below and at the time of accepting a potential Business contact's card it will mean asking them to sign their name and approval of consent to the page that also will house their Professional Business card.  Yes this is an inconvenience that will lead to first contact taking a bit longer to complete, but it is something that I think is a rather forward thinking proactive way of managing communications with clients.

Do you have any ideas of how you would protect your business in a situation like this, or thoughts of the new Legislation in general, if so feel free to leave comments.


Standards, why should you care?

Any long term readers of this blog, or visitors to My Web Design Business' Website, have most likely seen Me make reference to My work being both HTML 5 and CSS 3 Standards compliant.  The odds are that unless you, yourself are also a Web Designer the question might have crossed your mind as to just why these details are important.

In this blog, I am going to attempt to explain the benefits of following these standards from both the viewpoint of the agency commissioning a Website project and that of the end user's interaction with said Website. 

Lets take a look first at some of the benefits a Standards compliant website can do for a customer.

Consumers use many different devices in this modern age to access Websites, if they are accessing something from work the likelihood is that they are using a Windows based computer and perhaps the Internet Explorer Web Browser.

When getting home, or out in the field and needing to access theses same Websites the methods of accessing strongly increase.  If one is lucky the end user is still going to be using a Windows based computer with Internet Explorer.  However there is a very large and likely possibility that they are not.

Modern society accesses the Internet using a multitude of devices in  large array of configurations, be it Windows, Android, iOS, OS X, Linux or any other of a multitude of operating systems, each comes with it own options as far as the Web Browser users. 

The thing is though that no two Web Browsers may display a Website the same way, a detail that can result in the user having looked up a website on one access point and not being able to find the same information on a different device.

The solution to this is delivered by Web Designers having a collection of accepted rules, which are designed to try to level the field when it comes to getting information to the end user.  

This Wikipedia article shows the history of the Web Browser and the development engines that run the majority of Browsers. Webkit is becoming a strong force and is supported by Chrome, Safari and Opera Browsers

From the developer’s side, standards become a very important detail in creating code that is easy to maintain and update as changes happen with a Website. The use of linked CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) allow for a Web Master to change one aspect of code in one document which will in turn effect change in multiple pages of displayed content.

Standards also allow an organization that sees multiple users imputing information into a Website maintain a consistent look to the final product, as with properly commented areas, the content creators can simply import their information into a created template, save the document with a new name and hand off the document for uploading to the Web Master.

Can Websites work without being 100% Standard’s compliant ? the answer to that is Yes. In fact just last night I was running some sites through the Validation Engine provided by the W3C Consortium and found that there are Websites for Major corporations in Technology that actually return as using non-standard code.  Should Standards be ignored? In My opinion as a Designer, the answer is No.

Standards are what keeps the World Wide Web clean, they allow for ease of design, ease of access, and in this day and age of Internet threats to privacy and security can be a line of defense in keeping the end user safe as the odds of malicious code in my opinion is increased when one is not using Industry standard coding practices.

In short, Standards are our friend.


The Three Word Phrase that if remembered could bring civility to Social Media

"In My Opinion, Android is better than iOS"

"In My Opinion Star Trek is a better than Star Wars"

"In My Opinion  using @import is better than <link> "

Three statements that one might read in social media, honestly the list could go on and on with any topic. There are three common words with each of the above statements however. Those words, one simple phrase, IN MY OPINION

I'm sure growing up everyone has at one time or another almost everyone in the world has either heard or are aware of the statement 

"Opinions are like A-Holes...Everyone's got one and they all stink"

There is some truth to this, everyone does have their own opinion, in fact the very definition of the word is 

Opinion (noun) A view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

Even this blog that you are reading at this very moment is very much based on My Opinion, and that opinion is that the interactive nature of Social Media could see substantial growth if users were a lot more respectful of each other's opinions.

Am I saying that every post uploaded to places like Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus communities should have a blanket response equal to the cyber version of nodding our head and saying "That is 100% right" ? Not at all, for how could a society grow and learn new things without the debate that comes along with an opinion being bridged to a caucus.

What I am saying is instead of instantly calling someone an idiot, or denouncing their position on a topic as being wrong, how about we all take a minute to consider that the person is offering up their own opinion, and use the floor to find a consensus on the topic.

Now, I'm well aware that as people read this blog they may very well form a opinion that I'm coming off as condescending with my opinion on addressing opinions. If so, I invite you to, please express your opinion as to why you feel that way.

I would like to finish off this blog entry about opinions with another very common saying I grew up appreciating 

"I may not agree with your opinion, but I will defend your right to express it" 


Biometrics could be the extra feature needed for digital wallets

If you follow the technology world at all, then you have likely heard about the concept of Near-Field Communications (NFC for short), and their use in the emerging service of mobile payment options.

The concept is that for the connivence of the consumer a payment can be made simply by waving their phone near a module at the checkout, and the amount of their purchase is applied to a linked account.

One of the public concerns about this payment technology, however, has been the security aspect.  People have concerns that much like NFC enabled pay pass type cards it would be possible for someone to come along with a device that allows for unauthorized access to the account information that the NFC chip is linked to.

With Debit and Credit cards this has been somewhat addressed through the option of consumers carrying their cards in a Faraday Cage card sleeve, effectively blocking the transmission of the chip unless the card is intentionally pulled out of the sleeve.

But what can be done in the Mobile field to give the consumer the same sense of security? One option would be to apply the Faraday Cage technology to a Mobile Phone case, but this potentially could lead to issues with the consumer's device picking up signals from Mobile towers and Bluetooth devices.

The next possible option would be having the consumer key into their device a pin code or password at the point of their device exchanging information with the NFC Terminal at the checkout.

My belief, however, is that Apple might actual have the most logical and consumer friendly solution to this situation with their touch ID sensor they debuted in the iPhone 5s.

Think about this, a future device has both a NFC enabled payment system and a biometric sensor built into it. You, the customer walk up yo the check out, your order is processed and the total displayed. Taking out your Smart phone , you wave it across the access point, where both the amount of your purchase is transmitted to your device.  A pop up displays on your screen stating

Please confirm your purchase with your finger print

You touch the sensor, transmitting the payment and a verification that it is your confirmed fingerprint (no actual print needs transferred) , the device thanks you for your confirmation and you leave with your purchase.

  I believe this may just be the future of digital payments via mobile devices, but what is your opinion? Please leave your comments below  


My take on the possible fallout from Apple V Samsung

So, with everything that has been happening with the Samsung Vs Apple Patent lawsuits, which can be well summarized with this article from Vanity Fair, I actually found myself wondering if there might just be a detail that is being missed in all of this.

Could Samsung be biding their time leading up to a split from Android, which would leave Google holding the bag on the whole violations of Apple Patents issue?

First off lets look at just which Patents Apple was awarded damages for in the latest round of Court Proceedings.  According to an article on CNET, there were seven Patents involved in the latest case, broken down as follows

Apple came to this battle with 5 Patents
No. 5,946,647 related to Quick Links
No. 6,847,959 related to Universal Search
No. 7,761,414 related to Background Syncing
No. 8,046,721 related to Slide-to-unlock
No. 8,074,172 related to Automatic Word Correct

Samsung's 2 Patents are as follows
No. 6,226,449 Related to Camera and Folder organization (purchased from Hitachi)
No. 5,579,239 Related to Video Transmission Functions (also purchased)

The final results of the latest trial found that the infringements by samsung were to do with Apple's Quick Links, Slide-To-Unlock and Auto Correct patents. Resulting in Apple getting awarded, prior to appeals by Samsung, Millions.

But this brought Me wondering, since the infringed patents are all operating system related, is it really Samsung who is in violation of these patents, or is it, as owner of the Android Operating system, actually Google who violated these?

This becomes more important to look at when one asks if the violations are actually part of the operating system developed by Google or were they part of the TouchWiz overlay interface placed on top of Android's core system?

This one detail, coupled with Samsung's strong support of the Tizen Operating system, may well spell a potential issue for Google.

Samsung, if they can argue in the appeal that the violations are in fact core details of Android and NOT specific to TouchWiz, are actually in a position to drop the use of TouchWiz, transition their devices off android onto Tizen and dispute having to pay Apple damages on the grounds that Apple is going after the wrong offender

The question this comes down to , and is one I have yet to be able to find an definitive answer to, this

Are Auto-Correct, Slide-To-Lock and Quick Links programmed into TouchWiz or Android?

The answer could change the entire playing field as I see it.


The benefits of a "Proof of Concept " Design

The fact that We are living in a more inter-connected world is most likely something not lost on the majority of modern society, and surely should never be overlooked by someone who is just getting into the business environment.

Any good business owner know the importance of having researched the intended market. Keeping abreast on current trends that could effect your business and of course, the long considered valuable tool known as a Business Plan.

But what if I told you there is a missing piece in the puzzle, one that costs little, shows potential investors and clients that you are serious, and can put your business a step ahead when you do launch. what is that missing piece you ask?


A proof of concept design actually provides many of the following benefits to a business which is in its planning stages

focused Thoughts
Much like an architect uses paper models of projects to get a view from multiple angles, having a Proof of Concept Website can help an upstart business recognize the categories they need to focus on right from the ground floor of planning.

Visual Aide for Investors
Being able to walk into a meeting with an investor, and showing them a well thought out vision of your company's future  can help instil confidence on the investor's part in your ability to stick to your plan and follow through on your vision.

Public Feedback
Ever go to a trade show and see a upstart business trying to pitch their company, only to see the, stopped in their tracks by a question like

"So when will your website be accessible, for more information?"

Fact is it happens, and by having the proof of concept with you on a tablet or laptop , the answer becomes very simple as you can actually pull up the work in progress and respond with

"That is an excellent question, and since you asked , can We please get your feedback on the site We are having developed so that at launch We can serve you better"

And, perhaps one of the Most important details is that should your Business decide to launch, you can launch knowing that you have a Web Designer on your side who has believed in your vision since the early stages. Thus allowing your Website's full development to flow smoothly.  The result being the ability to launch Your Business in a successful, all inclusive fashion when launch day is reached  


Text vs Graphical Content, and how it can effect your Website

Lets face it, humans by nature are graphic focused creatures.  Bright colors and big logos draw our attention all the time. With brands, this is not really a bad thing, but with a Website going graphic heavy can actually do more harm than good.

Image files, in the modern age tend to take up more megabytes of the stream of data that is downloaded to the users device.  On slower speed desktops the time it takes for a Website to fully load can make or break connecting with potential clients. On Mobile devices it becomes even more important, as bytes downloaded = data plan fees.

There is actually a couple secondary concerns that speak to the benefits of using text, which can be styled through Cascading Style Sheets, over relying on graphical reliance.

Firstly, there is Search Engine Optimization, or SEO. SEO is the protocols that services like Google, Yahoo and Bing use to return results when a user searches.  This is done through the scraping of textual details, in both the Metadata and content of a Website.

Photos and graphics can return some information that helps with SEO, through things like proper use of the alternative tag when placing a image file (alt="filename"), but its not the primary way a site gets ranked.

Secondly, the World Wide Web is , as the name implies, a global playground. That means, not everyone who visits your Website might actually read the language your content was created in.  This creates a major linguistics issue if you have displayed your content in pre-formatted graphic files, as servers like Google Translate can not rewrite a picture.

For example, lets say you own a small Bed n Breakfast in Vancouver BC, a city that can and does get plenty of international tourist traffic.  With text base content, your website can be presented in almost any language that is globally spoken, but if your words are formatted into the photos, you have failed to bridge the language gap.


Traveling with Technology, Tips to simplify prep and avoid the luggage restrictions en route

Technology has become a staple of our modern Digital World. From the Smartphone in our pocket to the Tablet that is slipped into the carry on , they keep us connected on the go.

Like all things that can be good, there is of course elements of bad created by Technology when it comes to travel, I thought I would take a moment with this entry to cover some suggestions on how to keep organized and stay within the airline restrictions all at the same time.

Tablet / phone stands.
At home, we become creatures of habit. We all have that speaker dock for our phone or the quality stand for our tablet ( in my case I keep a collection of the Griffin A-Frame iPad stand handy for My tablets as they can be very hand when working on multiple screen design projects)

When traveling however those specific stands might not be the best option. take the A-Frame stand that I mentioned before. it's solid aluminum and weights in at  17.9 oz.

Now consider this option instead. go to your local Dollar Store and check out their stock. If you are lucky enough to be in Canada, the Dollarama chain offers up a very handy folding stand that weighs in at a fraction of the A-Frame's heft and at only a $1.00 each won't break the bank.

The next concern is that issue known as cables and chargers.  The best suggestion here again sees us returning to the Dollar Stores, only this time it is to the school supply aisle we go for a soft zippered pencil case.  By picking up one of these and purposing it specifically for the task of travel cables, the savvy traveler can have a set of adaptors and charge cables ready to go in your get away bag almost all the time.

The last item to make sure you have available to you is of course a short cord power bar.  This is important to protect your devices from a possible electrical serge when charging at your destination, and lets face it the hotel room never has enough wall plugs anyway right?

I hope these few tips make for a far more enjoyable set of travels, and less chances of luggage fees, speaking of which, don't forget the portable luggage scale... happy travels


Can We, As a society live without relying on Apps?

Can We, as a society live without relying on apps?

The title of this blog might actually be slightly misleading, as the question should more be asked if we always need apps to access the world we digitally access.

First let us look at some of the pros apps like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus have going for them.  These pros include, but are not limited to

working as a quick home screen shortcut to the service

launching a user interface that is formatted to the smaller screen size of a Smartphone

allowing the breaking out of specific services without launching the full site

Again, as I said, these are all pros, but there are also cons to stand alone apps for each service that a site like Facebook and Google Plus offers in a complete package when one moves from the Smartphone to the Tablet interface.

First, if you look at the modern Mobile Web Browsers, on Android, iOS and Windows one will notice that they all display these sites in a comparable fashion to how Desktop Browsers display them.  An exception being if a Website relies on the dying technology of Adobe Flash.

The second thing one needs to take into account is storage space on a tablet.  Most tablets tend to come in storage sizes ranging between 16 and 128 GB of storage.  Breaking out the services can produce a collection of Apps that each do one thing.  As an example, take a look at Facebook's offering on iOS

Facebook............................. 60.3 MB
Messenger........................... 33.0 MB
Pages Manager................... 42.6 MB
Camera................................18.0 MB
Poke....................................  9.0 MB

That makes for a total of 5 Apps taking up 162.9 MB or a little over 1/10th of a GB , or about the size of two copies of Angry Birds Star Wars.

So, while Apps do have some advantages to them, the question does always need to be asked. Can I do this without taking up the space that stand alone apps take up?


Of feedback and Digital Personality, or "Think of Your Website as a personality"

I am a fan of Professional Wrestling. the way that someone can take a concept and turn it into a entire personality which draws entire crowds of people into your world. A world where your audience is in the palm of your hand.

Over the years  I have been witness to situations where the role a performer takes on just does not connect with the target audience.  So, what does Professional Wrestling do in a situation like that? The answer is simple, they adapt and evolve.

Now I can hear many of the readers saying to yourselves

"What the heck place does Professional Wrestling have in discussion on a Web Designer's blog?"

A valid question, if ever there was on, and the answer is quite simple

If your audience is not connecting with your product, you have lost the battle when it comes to getting onto the radar. A lesson I have realized first hand

Last spring, when I first launched Inertial Zen Designs,. I created a Website, and while it held all the information the customer
would need. Validated as HTML 5 and CSS 3 standard compliant, and yes even tested on mobile a major problem existed.


When asked their opinion of the website, the responses would include comments like

"it's easy to navigate"


"I can find what I'm looking for fast"

Both comments are things a content creator wants to hear. It was the unheard comments that shouted out more useful feedback.  Users did not feel invited to stay on the site, they were not invested in getting to know what Inertial Zen Designs is all about.

So what was the solution to this problem? Extreme Makeover: Website Edition of course. colors softened to make the site more inviting.  My logo got changed from resting on a black background to a Zen like background image that features a Bonsai Tree and a dragon figurine. The image of an Android tablet desktop replaced with an image of a owner and their cat using a tablet.  Information shifted to a streamlined feel, and reworked  to create an easier to read experience .

In short inertialzendesigns.com got a facelift equal to WWE turning Husky Harris into Bray Wyatt.

Never consider your website as a "one and done" project. consider it lime you would a public representation of your company. The user feedback will evolve itto work smarter for you.


But why would I need a Website when I have Facebook anyway?

The topic of this blog is actually a question that comes up quite often when discussing the idea of Designing a Website with Small Business owners, and frankly it's a valid question.  Websites cost more to create, they take more time to maintain and they may not have the same social network viral sharing quality that Facebook has, but there are also some very valid reasons as to why it's a wise move to have both a dedicated Website AND Facebook.

First there is content.  Content is the energy that powers an effective website, but there are times that content can actually risk knocking your entire Facebook page offline and in accessible to your Customers.  For this lets use a Comic Book Shop as an example. 

Lets say our shop has a practice of scanning in the covers of each week's new releases and uploads them to their Facebook page, and we happen to get a controversial cover released for an issue.  If that cover either violates the Facebook Terms of Service or gets enough complaints about being offending, it's quite possible for Facebook to remove the post, suspend the account or even delete the account over all.

Now, if that same edition's cover is on the Shop's stand alone Website, any complaints about it are going to be addressed to the Shop's ownership, who can handle each one personally and deal with their own policy on what is posted on their Webspace.

The next detail that a Business Owner needs to take into account is that Facebook, like all Businesses, is in the business of making a profit. This is done through allowing Businesses to purchase promotion for their Facebook posts.  This causes a two tier post system called Organic and Inorganic Reach.  

Organic Reach is your post's reach just on it's own, and is simply the number of screens your post crosses and is seen in the timelines of without it benefitting from Paid Promotional Status. Inorganic, of course then means the number of people who have seen your post as a "Sponsored Post" or side bar ad.

There has been some problems with this method of promoting one's page, as the video, Titled Facebook Fraud,  linked below goes into detail about

Taking all this into account, a Small Business Owner needs to also remember that not everyone has, or wants a Facebook page, but they may still use computers to research out a purchase before hand.   Having a dedicated Website, properly formatted to return results based off location (Done through the use of Meta Data in the HTML Code of the Website) can produce a Site that returns high results in the Google and Bing rankings, without having a person needing to access the Facebook platform first.

I hope this brings some insight into the question of "Why Do I need a Website when I have Facebook?"


Planning a Trip? Technology is your Friend

Over the past few months, I have been tasked with planning for a routine business trip to Vancouver BC. Now normally this trip is about a a week and a half and I have stayed with the existing Grocery Stores and restaurants that have served me well on previous trip.

This trip, however, will actually be much longer in length, and it got me to thinking about options which will allow me to stay with in the budget AND not get a constant feed of the same meals the entire time that I'm away, and this is where Technology came into play.

Armed with the tools of Google Search, Google and Apple Maps and of course Yelp for reviews. I set out to locate a website which would give Me estimates on Taxi Fares in the City, this being very helpful as on average I would like to keep the cost to around $10 each direction.

The next step was to locate a Starbucks, because everyone needs a "Mobile Office" when on the road.  With the Mobile office located, I turned the task to places where I can eat a quick meal at a low price, and of course quickly had the usual suspects of McDonalds, Wendy's and Subway mapped.  From there, I decided to flip over to the Television, where Food network programs (and my trusty old blackberry Playbook) allowed me to find a few local to my location yet off the beaten path places to eat, and of course back to Google Search for Websites and PDF Menus in order to gage prices and hours, along with Yelp for reviews.

The final results of the search so far have proven very effective in creating a spreadsheet in Numbers (for access on the iPhone / iPad when on the go) of locations, distance from where I'm staying and the estimated Fare per direction.

As you can see, Technology has made what could have been a dull trip into something with some adventure.  Well Designed Websites allows a traveler to pre-plan their adventure prior to departure,and can actually bring new customers into your Business from out of town, Customers who will recommend places to their friends, like how I found to search for one Dinner.  Throw in apps for things like your Alarm Clock, navigating the Airport,  managing the budget with a good Spreadsheet software and a Scanner app,  and the traveler is pretty much set

if you are a Traveler What do you use to plan for a trip, any Favorites? If you are a Business, how helpful is Your Web Presence for those outside the City Limits? Leave your comments below


The pros and cons of the Digital Download

This past week, I had the event no computer loves to see happen, a software issue that can only be corrected with, yup you guessed it, the dreaded system reinstall.

While modern technology has made things a lot easier to keep the important details in tact (like not losing the media collection or any important business document...remember people back ups and external storage are your friends), I found myself hitting the tedious task of pulling programs back down from the app store (Apple's Mac App store specifically) and that's actually been a multiple day trek as the connection to the app store has been running painfully slow.

Slow speeds were not the only problem, there is also the wonderful realization that, for what ever reason-afterall we the customers are not given a notice and a chance to get an offline installer- a program gets fully removed from the digital store front.

The pros of a web based App Store make for a very convienient, one stop place to get very useful software, usually in a quick manor, but without the ability to back this type of stuff up offline an App Store can also become a factor of great disapointment when you lose things you like and use with no access.

While the concept of App Stores are clearly here to stay, how do you feel about them, what changes would you like to see made in how a digital storefront works? Please leave your comments.


duckduckgo...is it really worth it?

I’ll have to admit, that until  Nixie Pixel shared up this article  that I had never even heard of the search engine Duckduckgo.com.  

Duckduckgo is purported in the article as a search engine that is gaining traction with the growing concern of privacy issues in the online world, in fact the article states that 

“Many people are looking away from major search engines like Google and Bing and moving to Duckduckgo, a service that guarantees it doesn’t save your search information.”

Duckduckgo even goes as far as producing Websites that use info-graphics to explain how they are different from Google and Bing (both of linked in the above article by itworld, i’ll leave it up to you to read through them if you want)

But the big question is just how are the results with this search engine anyway.  Well to give things a try I decided to try a search for My Web Design company Inertial Zen Designs, the results, delivered quickly, saw My company’s website at the top of the list, the Google Plus page in second and rounding out the top three My page on Facebook.  A little further down the list were returns for My linkedin profile and an outdated link to My personal website, which I moved off of webs.com a few months ago.  These results can be seen in the screen capture below

The next thing I noticed prior to even looking at following any of the links was a little message actually asking me to make an exception in adblock to actually allow their advertiser’s ad reach me,
a detail that frankly threw up a red flag for me due to the fact that the entire promise of the site is Anonymous searching, and yet here they are trying to serve up an Advertisement that I can only presume is being generated off the query of my initial search.  However a full look in the cache and cookies did not find anything specifically placed on My local machine as far as cookies, a step in the right direction.

Overall, what’s your opinion of this search engine, which it appears has been around since 2010 by the looks of the article? Leave your comments below.


The “Soundbite” Society

The Sound byte, that little line stated in an interview or comment, that causes people to instantly turn their heads, to pay attention to a topic and hopefully look into things further.  Media has been using it for as long as media has existed, the bullet point from a President, statements like “No one ever expected this…” usually along with some sort of image to increase the attention of the masses.  There’s just one problem with the SoundBite, it’s becoming the expected norm when it comes to communications.

As society’s daily pace increases, and we have Technology managing our lives more and more, the trend has been for us to consume information in quick, short bursts.  Sites like Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter have lead towards the concept of getting the world to you in 140 Characters or less becoming common place and people screaming out responses like 

“Did you have to put your answer in the form of a text wall?

Communications were designed to get information across to another party, a sound byte being the point that brings the other party’s attention to a matter so that the situation can be discussed and investigated.  and the Soundbite, in it’s brevity usually results in an overshadowed broader  context leading to it being considered misleading or inaccurate.

How does this effect Website design you may ask? It’s said that content is key when it comes to a Website, that the content of a a site is what keeps the user there for longer than the time it takes to type in a new URL address.  Keeping this in mind, when the content for a Website is being created it should remember to take into account just why it is being put into existence.

Should content creators use the soundbite to get the consumers of said content to their Website? Without a doubt the answer to that question is a resounding YES! However once you have the consumers there, it’s always best practice to offer them a fair, informed and balanced representation of the content you are presenting, after all Customers do value honesty in those they deal with.